to April 30, inclusive. It is believed that you have all the informa-
tion which is available here with the possible exception of the fact
that on April 26 the British Ambassador here read to the Under
Secretary the instructions which had been sent by the British Govern-
ment to the British Ambassador in Tokyo.
  2. Department desires also that you report as soon as practicable in
regard to the reaction in Great Britain to the British Government's
attitude and policy.
  3. The Department desires further that you endeavor discreetly but
persistently to ascertain what the Foreign Minister had in mind in his
reference to Japan's "special rights recognized by other powers and
shared by them". (See your 213, April 30, 5 p. m.).

793.94/6637: Telegram
    The Ambassador in Italy (Long) to the Secretary of State

                                      ROME, May 2, 1934-8 p. m.
                                    [Received May 2-4: 25 p. m.]
  85. Department's 30, April 25th to Geneva. In conversation with
Suvich89 this afternoon on other matters I asked him incidentally
whether they had made any representations in Tokyo on the subject of
the Japanese declaration of February 19th [April 17th?] about China.
He said that they had not made any representations and that their
course would remain unchanged in spite of any Japanese declara-
tions; that he had read with interest the press-reported text of the
note of the American Secretary of State which he thought was very
strong and clear; that Italy along with other countries would benefit
by the strong statement of the American Government which was quite
explicit and to the point; and that the statement of Sir John Simon
in the House was somewhat evasive and was indicative of the political
character of Simon, whom he characterized as a compromiser.

793.94/6646: Telegram (part air)
     The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State

                                     GENEVA, May 3, 1934-9 a. m.
                                     [Received May 5-7:08 a. m.]
  66. Consulate's 64, May 1, 2 p. m., paragraph 4.
  1. Yokoyama called on me last evening and said that he would be
glad to tell me of the purport of a conversation which he had had

  19 Italian Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.