United States to China, I enclose herewith for your information two
copies, dated May 28, 1934, of Revised Regulations in Regard to the
Export to China of Arms and Munitions of War.'6
   In this connection you will note that, under the regulations now in
 force, this Department requires, as a condition precedent to the issu-
 ance of an export license, that it shall have received through appro-
 priate diplomatic channels a request from the Chinese Government
 that the shipment in question be permitted.
   Although it is the intention of this Department, as occasion arises,
to inform interested American firms and individuals in regard to the
altered procedure governing the exportation to China of arms and
munitions of war, it is deemed advisable that no general publicity be
given the matter, and the cooperation of your Department in this
regard will be appreciated.
   Sincerely yours,                               WILLIAM PHILLIPS

    The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

No. 2774                                     PEIPING, June 7, 1934.
                                                [Received July 23.]
  SnI: I have the honor to refer to the Legation's despatch No. 2759,
June 4, 1934,'7 in regard to the export of arms and munitions of war
to China, and to enclose for the completion of the Department's files
copies of memoranda of conversations 18 upon this subject.
  The Department's attention is particularly invited to enclosure No.
6,18 being a memorandum of conversation between an officer of this
Legation and the First Secretary in charge of the Peiping office of the
Japanese Legation, from which it will be seen that the Japanese posi-
tion in the matter is that they will not acquiesce in what they call the
Chinese effort unilaterally to impose additional restrictions in a mat-
ter already regulated by joint rules-the joint rules referred to being
Rule III of the 1902 Tariff 19 and the 1908 regulations governing the
importation of arms and ammunition into China.20
  There is also enclosed a copy of a letter from Dr. Hsu Mo, Political

  'Ante, p. 497.
  1TNot printed; It transmitted copies of Legation's note to the Foreign
and instructions to consular officers in accordance with Department's telegram
No. 156, May 28, 8 p. m., p. 499.
'Not printed.
1 Signed at Shanghai, September 6, 1902; see Annex III, "Treaty Between
United States and China for the Extension of the Commercial Relations Between
Them," and attached schedule of tariff duties, Foreign Relations, 1903,
pp. 100,
D~ated May 30, 1908, MacMurray, Treaties, 1894-1919, vol. I, p. 737.