  Protection of American and other
      foreign lives and property-Con.
    Missionaries and mission property
      Peiping area and Western Hills,
          Chinese assurances of pro-
          tection for Americans travel-
          ing or sojourning in, 472
    U. S. military and naval forces,
        dispatch to places of danger:
        Foochow, 464, 467, 471, 472,
        473; Wuhu, 480, 483, 485
    Operation by an American citizen
        of an unlicensed amateur radio
        station, U. S. attitude con-
        cerning Chinese objections and
        request for dismantlement of
        station, 625-627, 628, 629-630;
        acquiescence in Chinese pro-
        posed solution, 629-630
    Registration of radio receiving sets,
        U. S. nonobjection to volun-
        tary compliance with regula-
        tions by American citizens in
        Shanghai, 627-628, 628-629;
        British action, 629
  Rendition of Kuling Estate, U. S.
      concurrence in proposed agree-
      ment for, 614-617
  Review of developments in China
      during 1934, 344-348
  Shanghai International Settlement,
      problems   affecting:  Courts,
      Chinese, question of right to
      summon employees of the Munic-
      ipal Council to answer charges
      for alleged offenses committed in
      the discharge of their duties,
      610-613; extra-Settlement roads,
      U. S. and British attitudes con-
      cerning Japanese proposals, 607-
      609, 613-614
    American leaf tobacco, U. S. in-
        formal protest against pro-
        posed increase in import duties,
        566-567, 572
    Business tax, attitude of United
        States and other foreign gov-
        ernments toward imposition
        on foreign firms, 570-572;
        British counterproposal, 570-
    Industrial Encouragement Act of
        Apr. 20, U. S. and British
        representations concerning,
  Title deeds to real property   of
        Americans, U. S. position con-
        cerning question of reregistra-
        tion of, 617-618
  Treaties with-
    France, treaty of 1844, 594; of
        1858, 570, 594, 602


  Treaties with-Continued.
    Great Britain: Treaty of 1858, 577,
        580, 584, 593; treaty of 1902,
        524-525, 531, 532, 535
    United States (see also Commercial
        treaty of 1903, supra):
      Tariff treaty of 1928, 525, 573,
          582, 583, 584, 586, 591;
          treaty of 1858, 563, 564;
          treaty of Wang-Hea (1844),
          584, 587, 588, 589, 593;
          treaty of 1880, 588
      Tientsin (1858), 575, 584, 587,
          588, 589, 593; additional ar-
          ticles of 1868, 589
  U. S. silver-purchasing program, effect
      upon Chinese economy, 423-462
    Anti-American feeling, reports con-
        cerning, 428, 456, 458
    China Consortium, participation in
        proposed bond issue, question
        of, 459
    China Development Finance Corp.,
        proposed   bond    issue   to
        strengthen Chinese financial
        situation, 459
    Chinese Bankers' Association, ap-
        peal to Pres. Roosevelt, 424-
        425; endorsement by Shanghai
        Chinese and Foreign Chambers
        of Commerce, 428
    Export duty on silver, imposition
        by Chinese Government: Con-
        sideration of, 425, 427, 429,
        432, 435, 438, 439, 449; dis-
        criminatory action by Central
        Bank of China, alleged, and
        U. S. attitude, 452-453, 453-
        454; Foreign Exchange Stabili-
        zation Committee, 453-454;
        Order of Oct. 15, 450-451; U. S.
        position, 452-453, 454
    Federal Reserve Bank of New
        York, notification of Dec. 18
        to Central Bank of China con-
        cerning U. S. silver-purchasing
        program and notice of termina-
        tion of program, Dec. 31, 456-
        457, 458, 461-462
    Gold, Chinese proposal for U. S.
        exchange for Chinese silver,
        and U. S. position, 443, 443-
        444, 446, 450
    Loans: Export-Import Bank loan
        to China, proposed, 458, 460;
        rehabilitation loan by U. S.
        Government to Chinese Gov-
        ernment, proposal for, 436-437
    Monnet, Jean, discussion with
        State Department officials con-
        cerning Chinese financial situ-
        ation, 459-460
    Protective measures by Chinese
        Government (see also Export
        duty on silver, supra), con-