I have, therefore, the honor to ask that you be good enough to take
the necessary steps to assure protection for the lives and property of
Japanese nationals residing in the State of Arizona.
  Accept [etc.]                                 KEINOSuKE FurJII

      The Secretary of State to the Japanese Charge (Fujii)

                                 WASHINGTON, September 29, 1934.
  SIR: I acknowledge the receipt of your note, dated September 26,
1934, in which there are cited reported instances of hostile acts directed
against the persons and property of certain Japanese nationals resi-
dent in the State of Arizona, and in which you request that necessary
steps be taken to assure protection for the lives and property of Jap-
anese nationals residing in that State.
  Conformably to the assurance given to you on the occasion of your
call at the Department on August 20, that every appropriate effort
would be made, the Department brought to the attention of the ap-
propriate authorities of the State of Arizona the existence of appre-
hension lest there arise in that State a critical situation affecting the
lives and property of Japanese nationals. Assurances were promptly
received from the authorities concerned that there had been taken
and would be taken appropriate measures with a view to protecting
the lawful interests of all persons involved.
  The purport of your note under acknowledgment has been com-
municated to the Governor of the State of Arizona, and it may con-
fidently be expected that he and other authorities concerned will not
remit their efforts in the premises.
  I take this occasion to confirm the assurances which have already
been conveyed to you orally by officers of the Department that the
American Government, desiring to promote an adjustment by lawful
processes of difficulties that may exist or may arise affecting Japanese
nationals resident in the State of Arizona, will continue to give the
matter its solicitous and careful attention.
  Accept [etc.]                        For the Secretary of State:
                                                WILLIAM PHILLIPS

   The Governor of Arizona (Moeur) to the Secretary of State

                                 PHOENIX, ARIZONA, October 4, 1934.
  MY DEAR MR. HULL: I have your letter of October 1st 71 with further
reference to the anti-alien activities in the Salt River Valley.

   Not printed.