Sino-Japanese dispute-Continued.
    Narcotic drugs and opium traffic,
        control of-Continued.
          Jehol, 349-354; request for
          information from certain for-
          eign governments in regard
          to traffic in narcotic drugs in
          Manchuria and Jehol, U. S.
          and British attitudes con-
          cerning, 354-356, 358-360,
      State opium monopoly, 25, 314,
    Nonrecognition (see also Recogni-
        tion, infra), attitude of foreign
        governments concerning:
      Belgium, attitude concerning pro-
          posed state visit to Tokyo by
          Pu-yi, 200
      Catholic Church, position of,
      Chinese Government, position
          of, 41, 61-62, 90-91, 113-
          114, 116-117, 195-196, 265
      Diplomatic and consular re-
          lations of U. S. and other
          foreign governments with
          de facto officials, questions
          concerning: Free customs
          entry privileges, U. S. posi-
          tion, 308; invitations to
          "Manchoukuoan" govern-
          mental and social functions,
          question of acceptance of,
          73-74, 323; Japanese threat
          to forbid functioning of con-
          sular officers of countries not
          according recognition, 224-
          225; notification of the estab-
          lishment of the empire under
          Pu-yi, 59-60, 72-73; post-
          al administration, League
          of Nations recommendations
          and U. S. views concerning
          relations between foreign
          postal administrations and
          Manchurian de facto authori-
          ties with regard to postal
          traffic in transit through
          Manchuria, 133-134, 177-
          179, 180-181, 202, 216-217,
          222-223, 243-244, 266-267;
          proposed state visit to Tokyo
          by Pu-yi, attitude of the
          powers concerning, 85, 91,
          199-200; visa for "Man-
          choukuoan" official to visit
          Philippines, U. S. position
          concerning request for, 62,
      Germany, attitude of, 8, 22-23,
          44, 59


Sino-Japanese dispute-Continued.
      Great Britain, attitude of, 55-56,
          57-58, 60; proposed state
          visit to Tokyo by Pu-yi, in-
          structions concerning, 91
      Italy, attitude of, 60-61
      Netherlands, attitude concerning
          questions of diplomatic and
          consular relations with de
          facto officials, 62, 85, 200
      Poland, attitude of, 200-201
      Soviet Union, attitude of, 31-32,
           75, 83, 97, 106, 110, 292
      U. S. attitude (see also Diplo-
          matic and consular relations,
          supra), 36-38, 51, 55-56, 58,
          60-61, 61, 75, 83, 88-91, 95,
          258-260, 639, 640
    Observations by U. S. Military
        Attach6 in Japan on his trip
        to "Manchoukuo", 209-214
    Oil monopoly:
      Discrimination in levying of cus-
          toms duties on foreign oil,
          U. S. and British consulta-
          tions and informal repre-
          sentations to local authori-
          ties and to Japanese Govern-
          ment concerning, 699-700,
          701, 702-704, 705-709, 745,
          772, 776, 795-796; Japanese
          promise of investigation of
          problem, 709
      Manchuria Oil Co. and oil sales
        Information concerning plans
             of "Manchoukuo" gov-
             ernment for establishment
             of, and negotiations of
             foreign oil companies with
             local authorities concern-
             ing, 709, 710, 712-713,
             720-721, 724, 725-727,
             728, 729, 735-737, 741-
             743, 745, 751, 753, 756,
             771-772, 787-788; U. S.
             position concerning action
             of oil companies, 724-725
        Japanese Government's posi-
            tion, 729-730, 748-749,
        Military and naval authorities,
            Japanese, position of, 735-
            737, 741-742, 750
        Open-door policy. See Rep-
            resentations, infra.
        Protest to local authorities by
            British Government, 712,
            714, 718, 720; U. S. poMi-
            tion, 714-715, 718-719
        Representations (see also Pro-
            test, supra) to Japanese
            Government on basis of