Wang said, was to give control of the traffic between Mukden and
Peiping to some sort of travel agency.
  I have the honor to state, as of incidental interest, that Mr. Y. Suma,
Secretary of the Japanese Legation residing in Nanking, a few days
ago informed an American newspaper representative that such a
method of disposing of this problem would not meet with the approval
of the Japanese Government.
  Mr. Peng made the interesting statement that he thought the Japa-
nese would present a number of demands in the near future, both to
the Nanking and Peiping authorities.
  In this relation, it may be observed that a number of rumors have
reached this office to the effect that such demands have already been
presented by the Japanese authorities, presumably representatives of
the Kwantung Army, among them being the right to build a railway
from Chengte, in Jehol, to Peiping; the right to build a railway from
Kueihua, on the Peiping-Suiyuan Railway, to Taiyuanfu, capital of
Shansi Province; the right of Japanese subjects to raise cotton in
North China; the right of Japanese subjects to conduct mining opera-
tions in northern Shansi, etc. It has been impossible to find any official
basis for these rumors.
  Very respectfully yours,            For the American Minister:
                                                 WILLYS R. PECK
                                           Counselor of Legation

893.01 Manchuria/1113
  The Consul General at Mulkden (Myers) to the Minister in China
                           (Johnson) 9

No. 925                                   MUKDEN, May 10, 1934.
  SIR: I have the honor to enclose herewith a copy of Bulletin No. 17,
dated May 3, 1934,10 issued by the Bureau of Information and Pub-
licity, Department of Foreign Affairs, Hsinking, embodying the com-
munications which were exchanged between Minister of Foreign
Affairs, Mr. Hsieh Chieh-shih, and the Right Reverend Bishop A.
Gaspais, Acting Apostolic Delegate to "Manchukuo".
  The press reported that in connection with the official announcement
of the appointment of Bishop Gaspais as the temporary representative
of the Catholic Church in "Manchukuo", which was issued by the
Catholic mission at Hsinking on April 20, the following statement
was made:
  "It is a well-known fact that the Catholic Church, regardless of the
country in which it preaches the Gospel, does not neglect the interests

  9 Copy transmitted to the Department by the Consul General at Mukden in
unnumbered despatch of May 10; received June 9.
" Not printed.