693.113 (Manchuria) Petroleum/53: Telegram
    The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

                                  PEIPING, April 17, 1934-1 p. n.
                                  [Received April 17-6: 55 a. m.]
  175. Legation's 171, April 16, 2 p. m. On further consideration the
Legation believes that representations at Tokyo should not be with-
held until result of companies' local representations is known but on
the contrary should be made now and should be in the nature of an
effort to obtain favorable consideration of the formula suggested by
the companies to the customs authorities. My British colleague
  Tokyo informed.

693.113 (Manchuria) Petroleum/56: Telegram
    The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)

                              WASHINGTON, April 19, 1934-5 p. m.
  52. Peiping's telegram No. 175, April 17, 1 p. m.
  1. Department believes that it would be desirable that you make
representations at the Foreign Office with a view to reinforcing oil
companies' representations at Dairen. (See page 3, Dairen's despatch,
March 3, 1934, to Peiping.90) It leaves to your discretion whether the
representations should be made formally or along the lines of Depart-
ment's telegrams No. 89, October 6, 5 p. m.,91 and No. 97, October
14, 4 p. m.92
  2. Assuming that your British colleague is prepared to take similar
action (Department's 50, April 17, 3 p. m.90), please notify him of the
  Repeat to Peiping as Dep[artmen]t's 118.

693.118 (Manchuria) Petroleum/57 : Telegram
   The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

                                     TOKYO, April 25, 1934-noon.
                                  [Received April 25-3: 07 a. In.]
  74. Department's 52, April 19, 5 p. m. I called on the Minister for
Foreign Affairs today and made representations with a view to re-
inforcing oil companies representations in Dairen, acting along the

90 Not printed.
91 Foreign Relations, Japan, 1931-1941, vol. i, p. 125.
"2 Ibid., p.126.