  Mandated islands in Pacific-Con.
    Japanese determination to retain
        possession of after withdrawal
        from League of Nations, 24,
        62-65, 338-339; denial of al-
        leged fortification of, 338
  Naval Conference of 1935: Japanese
      naval aims, 23, 38, 120, 247-249,
      332, 333, 667-671; preliminary
      conversations in London, U. S.-
      British, 667; Washington Naval
      Treaty, abrogation by Japan,
      proposed, 668
  Oil monopoly (see also under Sino-
      Japanese dispute: "Manchou-
      kuo"), legislation and regulations
      for control of oil industry:
    Foreign oil companies:
      Discussions between company
          representatives and Japanese
          authorities, proposed, U. S.-
          British informal representa-
          tions in preparation for, 757,
          759-760, 770, 775, 776-777,
          781, 782, 783, 784, 785-786,
          789, 790, 792-793, 794, 796-
          797, 797-799; Japanese con-
          currence, 798-799
      Position of, 700-701, 704-705,
          728, 729, 740, 743, 744, 746-
          748, 752, 754-755, 755-756,
          757-758, 764, 765, 766, 770-
          771, 773
   Joint or concurrent action by three
        interested Governments, U. S.-
        British discussions concern-
        ing, and U. S. desire for
        British and Netherlands ini-
        tiation of, 728-729, 731, 732,
        734, 752, 756-757, 757, 759-
        760, 760-761, 762-764, 769-
        770, 774-776, 776-777, 777,
        779-784, 785-786, 789-791,
        791-794, 796-797; views of
        Netherlands Government, 731,
   Naval conversations at London,
        effect of oil dispute on, 749-
        750, 767, 771, 773, 779-780,
        783, 797
   Petroleum Industry Law, passage
       and enforcement of, 700, 704-
       705, 743-744, 746-748, 754-
       755, 764-765, 766, 785; mili-
       tary nature of, 758-759
   Representations (see also Foreign
        oil companies: Discussions and
        Joint or concurrent action,
     Great Britain, 700-701, 730-731,
          732, 740-741, 777-779; Jap-
          anese reply, 754
     Netherlands, 730-731, 731-732,
          734; Japanese reply, 754

  Oil monopoly-Continued.
      United States, 702, 704-705, 733,
          737; Japanese reply, 753-
    Retaliatory measures by foreign
        oil companies and govern-
        ments, consideration of, 715-
        718, 721-723, 738-740, 747,
        750-751, 752, 756, 757, 761,
  Political situation (see also under Sino-
      Japanese dispute): Birth of heir,
      significance of, 631-633; military
      influence, waning of, 644-648,
      671-672; nationalism, 684-690;
      Okada Cabinet, 671-672
  Protection of Japanese lives and
      property during anti-alien dis-
      turbances in Arizona: Arizona
      authorities, cooperation of, 691,
      694-695; Japanese requests for,
      and U. S. assurances of appropri-
      ate action, 690-691, 692-694,
      695-699; press and public opinion
      in Japan, 691-692, 695
 Reciprocal arrangement with United
      States for free importation of
      articles for personal use of con-
      sular officers, U. S. proposal for,
      839-840; proposal for consular
      convention, 840-843
    Concentration of Japanese shipping
        in home waters, question of,
        144, 175, 201
    Steamship companies subject to
        U. S. war profits tax for the
        years 1918 and 1919, Japanese
        representations on behalf of,
      Protest by Japanese Govern-
          ment and request for exten-
          sion of time limit for pay-
          ment of tax, 827-828, 830-
          836; U. S. position, 837-838
      State-Treasury Departments cor-
          respondence concerning, 828-
          830, 836-837, 838; Treasury
          Department indication of
          possibility of satisfactory
          settlement of case, 838
 Trade relations with United States:
   Infringement of American trade-
        marks by Japanese, 815-817
   Philippine Tariff Act, Japanese pro-
       test against, 814-815; U. S.
       views, 817-818
   U. S. commercial policy: Review of,
        806, 807-809; statement by
        Secretary of State concerning
        effect of Far Eastern situation
        on, 817-818

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