Index 857

Schaerf, Adolf, 767, 797, 811
Scherpenberg, Albert H. van, 8, 111
Schirdewan, 711-713
Schofield, Col., 530, 761n
Schroeder, Gerhard, 109
Schuyler, Gen. Cortlan van Rensselaer,
Seaton, Fred A., 518
Segni, Antonio, 284-285, 315-319,
    367-371, 837
Serb, 755
Serov, Ivan Aleksandrovich, 38
Sheldon, Huntington D., 390-393
Smirnov, Andrei Andreevich, 13,
    174-175, 233, 611, 620
Smith, Bromley, 817n, 839n
Smith, Gerard C., 179-183, 185, 340n,
Smith, James H., Jr., 799-800, 805
Soviet Union (see also German
    Democratic Republic; Soviet
    subheadings under other subjects;
    Summit meeting; Ten-Power
    Disarmament Conference):
  economic situation, 20-21, 56, 93,
      192-193, 239, 676-679
 Italy, relations with, 191-193
 Khrushchev visit to U.S., 3-4, 9-10,
      28-56, 160
   British position, 28-29
   Camp David talks, 35-49
   joint communiqu4, 42-45, 47-52
   U.S.-German Federal Republic
        discussions, 3-4, 31-35, 53-54,
 United Kingdom, relations with, 2, 13
 United States, relations with (see also
     Khrushchev visit to U.S. above;
     Summit meeting; U.S. overflights
     below), 159-160
   Eisenhower visit, 33, 44, 46, 77,
   German Democratic Republic
       helicopter incident, 713-717,
       724-726, 728-730
   summit meeting breakup and, 508,
   U-2 incident, see U.S. overflights
   Voice of America jamming, 505

Soviet Union-Continued
  U.S. overflights, 377-379, 388,
      390-393,414-416, 422-431,
      436-437, 439-452, 506, 514-516
    Berlin and, 500
    intelligence report, 522-526
    Powers trial, 547
    U.N. discussion, 460, 519
Soviet Zone. See Berlin; German
    Democratic Republic.
Spaak, Paul Henri, 11, 104-105, 121,
    123, 195-197, 284-290, 323-330
Spain, 217, 219, 685
Spiers, Ronald I., 315n, 410n
Staats, Elmer B., 508, 764n
Stabler, Wells, 172n, 542n, 812n, 827n
Stans, Maurice H., 682
Stefan, Charles G., 728n
Stone, Shepard, 107-111
Strauss, Franz Josef, 14-17, 214,
    644-648,682-692, 698
Striganov, Sergei P., 724-725, 726n
Summit meeting (May 1960):
  agenda (see also Disarmament),
    British position, 106, 116, 258-262
    East-West relations, 125, 142,
        171-174, 235,286-287, 294,
        323-330,353-354, 383-384, 386
   Foreign Ministers meetings, 137,
   French position, 106, 116, 125, 142,
        349-350, 353-354, 386
   German Federal Republic position,
        103, 106, 127-128, 131, 135-136,
        200-204, 216-217, 227, 231, 233,
   German unification, 382-383,
   U.S. planning, 128-130, 132-134,
        162-165, 198, 206-211,265-266,
   working groups, 137, 140-141,
       144-146, 152-153, 281-284
 Berlin plebiscite proposals and,
 bilateral and trilateral discussions
     during, 453-459, 461-467,