308 Foreign Relations, 1958-1960, Volume IX

123. Memorandum of Conversation

US/MC/8                          Washington, April 13, 1960, 10 a.m.


                 Washington, D.C., April 12-14, 1960

    Germany and Berlin-Western Position at Summit
    The Secretary
    Foreign Secretary Lloyd, United Kingdom
    Foreign Minister Couve de Murville, France
    Foreign Minister von Brentano, Federal Republic of Germany
    (Full list of delegations on last page) 1

    The Foreign Ministers, under the Secretary's chairmanship, dis-
cussed the Report of the Working Group on Germany Including Berlin,
dated April 9,1960 (FMW REF-2/110)2 using as an outline the Working
Group's list of points which might be considered by the Foreign Minis-
ters (FMW   REF-2/llla).3
Report to NATO
    The Foreign Ministers agreed that NATO should be given the
Working Group Report as amended in the light of the Foreign Ministers'
comments but without the section on tactics, that this report might be
discussed in the NATO Council and at the NATO Ministerial Meeting at
Istanbul, and that no further report in NATO by any of the Four Powers
should be necessary.
Summit Tactics
    The Foreign Ministers approved the basic approach of the Work-
ing Group in its discussion of tactics on Germany including Berlin at
the Summit. Foreign Minister von Brentano noted, however, that his

    Source: Department of State, Central Files, 396.1-WA/4-1360. Secret.
Drafted by
McKiernan, initialed by Merchant, and approved in M on April 18 and S on
April 20. The
conversation took place in the Conference Suite at 1776 Pennsylvania Avenue.
A sum-
mary of the conversation was transmitted to Bonn in telegram 2214, April
13 at 9:46 p.m.
(Ibid., 762.00/4-360)
    1 Not printed.
    2Document 115.
    3Not found. A copy of a draft of this paper (FMW REF-2/111) is in Department
State, Conference Files: Lot 64 D 559, CF 1629.