Status of Berlin, August-December 1959 151

Norstad's plan for integrated air defense. President spoke at some
length on military need for such defense and need to get away from na-
tionalistic considerations in order to create a more effective collective
defense. Chancellor said that difficulty was not personal with General
Norstad and that General de Gaulle had spoken to him several times of
his high regard for the General. President expressed hope that Chancel-
lor would convey his concern to General de Gaulle if he had occasion
and mentioned that General de Gaulle had agreed to receive General
Norstad to hear technical details of air defense plan. Chancellor ex-
pressed hope that this matter would be worked out following Presi-
dent's talk with General de Gaulle and Gen Norstad's briefing. He said
that he had seen General de Gaulle after this morning talk with Presi-
dent3 and while General de Gaulle had not told him subjects that had
been discussed he had appeared very pleased with his talk with Presi-
    Chancellor then thanked President for giving him this opportunity
to talk with him and said he felt meeting Western Powers had been very

    3A memorandum of the President's conversation with de Gaulle at 10:15
a.m. on
December 20 is in vol. VII, Part 2, Document 151.

60.  Telegram From Secretary of State Herter to the Department of

                                    Paris, December 22, 1959,2 p.m.

    Cahto 18. Eyes Only for Ambassadors. Following is summary of
half hour Four Power plenary at Elysee 10:30 a.m., Dec. 21:1
    De Gaulle opened by saying discussions had gone very expedi-
tiously and there apparently remained very little to be discussed. He

    Source: Department of State, Central Files, 396.1-PA/12-2259. Secret.
in two sections. Repeated to Bonn and London.
    l A memorandum of the conversation at the meeting (US/MC/18) is ibid.,
ence Files: Lot 64 D 560, CF 1569.