List of Sources

                         Unpublished Sources

Department of State

    Indexed Central Files. The principal source of documentation for this
volume was the
indexed central files of the Department of State. Many of the documents were
from the following files:
396.1: International Conferences
396.1-GE: International Conferences at Geneva
396.1-PA: International Conferences at Paris
396.1-WA: International Conferences at Washington
462A.62B41: Trade between West and East Germany
611.00: General U.S. foreign policy
611.62A: U.S.-West German relations
611.63: U.S.-Austrian relations
662A.62B: West German-East German political relations
711.11-EI: President Eisenhower
762.00: German political affairs
762.0221: German occupied territory
762A.00: West German political affairs
762B.00: East German political affairs
762B.5411: Overflights of East Germany
763.00: Austrian political affairs
763.5-MSP: U.S.-Austrian Mutual Security
    Lot Files. Documents from the central files have been supplemented by
lot files of the
Department, which are decentralized files created by operating areas. A list
of the lot files
used in or consulted for this volume follows.
Bruce Diaries: Lot 64 D 327
    Diaries of Ambassador David K.E. Bruce for the years 1948-1974.
Conference Files: Lot 63 D 123
    Collection of documentation on official visits by heads of government
and foreign
    ministers to the United States and on major international conferences
for the years
    1956-1958, maintained by the Executive Secretariat.
Conference Files: Lot 64 D 559; Lot 64 D 560
    See under Washington National Records Center.
EUR/SOV Files: Lot 64 D 291
    Files of the Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs,
for the 1950s.
Executive Secretariat Files: Lot 64 D 187
    Secret telegram summaries prepared by the Executive Secretariat for the