Status of Berlin, August-December 1959  5

    Mr. Herter said that the crux of the matter is that the Soviets want
destroy our protection of West Berlin. He thought it might be useful for
us to tell Khrushchev that we have no desire to stay in West Berlin in
perpetuity. That is why we wish to find some solution in Germany. The
President asked what can be done that Adenauer will accept. Mr. Herter
thought we should try to get an arrangement which would carry us over
the German elections in the fall of 1961. Thereafter, contacts between the
West Germans and East Germans might prove possible to work out.
    Mr. Herter said there are two matters of principle involved. The So-
viets are trying by pressure to get us out of our rights in West Berlin.
They are also trying by pressure to get us to reduce our troops in West
Berlin. The President said that if Khrushchev wants to liquidate the oc-
cupation he should agree on free elections in Germany.
    The President said he would like to meet with the State Department
representatives on Monday or Tuesday and have from them a working
paper that he can use for each of the capitals he is going to visit. Behind
that there should be a paper indicating just what are the limits to which
we can go in talking to Khrushchev. Mr. Herter said he really thought
that for the time being the best thing for us to do is to get a two-to-three
year modus vivendi. The President said we must have our own position
with respect to the Soviets on Germany very clear and with this in mind
consider how we can best talk with Adenauer, Macmillan and de
    [Here follows discussion of unrelated matters.]

3.   Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for
     European Affairs (Kohler) to Secretary of State Herter

                                      Washington, August 21, 1959.

    Some Basic Factors in the German Situation
    In addition to the various points made in the several papers pre-
pared for the President's talks with Adenauer, you may wish to have the

    Source: Department of State, Central Files, 762.00/8-2159. Secret. Drafted
by Hil-
lenbrand and sent through Merchant. The source text was initialed by Kohler,
and Calhoun and bears the notation: "The President and the Secretary
read, 8/26."