118 Foreign Relations, 1958-1960, Volume IX

that there was no change. We would table our proposals as a counter to
Khrushchev's peace proposal. In fact, the four powers have not re-
viewed the Berlin and German proposals, and see no need to do so. We
think, however, that the disarmament talks may lead to some more re-
fined proposals which could be woven into the Western peace plan, but
we can do this by December 19. Mr. Rae asked if the North Atlantic
Council could do anything to help. Mr. Kohler said probably not. Britain
is now re-examining disarmament proposals. We have the Coolidge
group. We hope there is still reliance on our 1957 proposals. Perhaps we
could sort of back into this problem by having NATO examine and dis-
cuss the Khrushchev proposals, but there is little that can be done. Mr.
Rae said his Government thought one of the problems that could be
dealt with profitably in the North Atlantic Council would be the nature
and scope of the summit meeting. Mr. Kohler said we have gone about
as far as we can go at present, as the French lack instructions. We are
becalmed. Mr. Rae then asked whether the North Atlantic Council could
not add the summit conference as one of the items for its agenda. Mr.
Kohler agreed that the Council could.
    [Here follows discussion of unrelated matters.]

45.  Editorial Note

    Chancellor Adenauer visited Paris December 1-2 for talks on ques-
tions of mutual concern. In a general meeting during the afternoon of
December 1, and at a private meeting with General de Gaulle on the
morning of December 2, the Chancellor developed his ideas on a sum-
mit meeting and European security, and listened as the French Presi-
dent expounded his views on the same questions. For Adenauer's
account of these conversations, see Erinnerungen, 1959-1963, pages
    On December 4, Guenther Klein paid a courtesy call on Ambassa-
dor Dowling and reported that the Chancellor felt de Gaulle's position
on Berlin was firmer than that of Macmillan. (Despatch 902 from Bonn,
December 7; Department of State, Central Files, 762A.00/12-759)