Preparations for the Summit Conference 363

141. Memorandum of Conversation

US/MC/7                                       Istanbul, May 1, 1960.


                       Istanbul, May 2-4, 1960

    United States:                     Great Britain:
    The Secretary                      The Rt. Hon. Selwyn Lloyd, M.P.
    Mr. Merchant                       H.E. Sir Frank Roberts
    Mr. Kohler                         Sir Anthony Rumbold, Bt.
    German:                            French:
    Mr. Heinrich von Brentano          S.E.M. Couve de Murville
    Mr. Karl Carstens                  M. Lucet
    Mr. Rudolf Fechter                 M. de Leusse

    Preparations for Discussion of Berlin at the Summit

    As Chairman, von Brentano began by observing that the principal
task of the Foreign Ministers at today's meeting was to discuss a supple-
mentary report of the Four-Power Working Group on Germany, includ-
ing Berlin. 1 He said that he had a few initial observations to make. As
paragraph (c) of the July 28 Western proposals at Geneva dealing with
access,2 he wished to suggest new language which would get away from
the idea that, under present practices, access to Berlin was completely
free and unrestricted. He suggested wording as follows: "Free and un-
restricted access to West Berlin by land, water and air shall be estab-
lished ('restored' in German Embassy, Washington version) and
guaranteed for all persons, goods and means of communication, includ-
ing those of the Armed Forces of the Western Powers stationed in West-
ern Berlin. The procedures effective May 1, 1960, shall be improved,
with a view to facilitating communications". Von Brentano said he did
not wish to reach agreement on precise wording among the Ministers;

    Source: Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 64 D 559, CF 1650.
Secret. Drafted
by Hillenbrand on May 3 and approved by M on May 10 and S on May 11. A summary
the conversation was transmitted in Secto 46 from Istanbul, May 1 at 8 p.m.
(Ibid., Central
Files, 396.1-IS/5-160) The conversation took place at the German Consulate
General im-
mediately after the one reported in Document 140.
    1See footnote 7, Document 140.
    2 See vol. VIII, Document 488.