Federal Republic of Germany 679

related liberal trading practices on the Continent, so that within the
frame of the Atlantic Community the main industrial strength of the free
world would operate most effectively and thereby minimize the future
difficulties inherent in the growing economic power of the Soviet Union.
The Chancellor agreed but added one or two comments which indicated
the importance he attached to bilateral economic arrangements, pre-
sumably between the Federal Republic and the United States.
    The Chancellor then turned the conversation to education, men-
tioning that he had had a discussion of this subject with Senator
Fulbright. It was not entirely clear what points he was making, but he
emphasized two. The first was that in the West our educational systems
must give greater weight to the inculcation of moral principles to offset
with the students the loss of authority of the family and the church. The
second point which he did not expand was that something must be done
to meet the growing problem of university graduates coming into a
world which could not provide for all such graduates enough jobs suit-
able for their level of education.
    [Here follows discussion of the aerial inspection zone and self-
determination and Berlin plebiscite. For text, see Document 94.]

258. Memorandum of Discussion at the 439th Meeting of the
      National Security Council

                                        Washington, April 1, 1960.

    [Here follow a paragraph listing the participants at the meeting and
agenda item 1.]

2.  Significant World Developments Affecting U.S. Security (NIE 23-60)
    Mr. Dulles summarized NIE 23-60 dated March 22, 1960 on "The
Outlook in West Germany". He said the Estimate had concluded that
the West German state would continue to be governed by the Adenauer
coalition (Christian Democratic Union/Christian Socialist Union) be-
yond 1961, even in the event of the death of Adenauer. West Germany

    Source: Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records. Top Secret. Drafted
    1A copy of this 17-page paper is in Department of State, INR-NIE Files.