Status of Berlin, May-December 1960 541

    Prestige and psychological factors involved Radio Law issue (our
83)2 are also involved here. We cannot allow Soviets to overrule our de-
cision as to what Federal activities are and are not compatible with spe-
cial status of Berlin, all the more so when we are patently unable oblige
Soviets to restrain activities in Soviet Sector which unquestionably con-
flict with city's status. We could expect any precedent of such overruling
to be followed by increased Soviet demands which, if acceded to, would
rapidly reduce us to impotence in Berlin.
    Furthermore, we cannot afford appear weak in face of specific So-
viet threats, for we would then undermine Berlin's spirit of resistance,
jeopardize faith in us on which not only maintenance of Berlin but also
firmness of our alliances depends, and encourage increasingly serious
    Should Federal authorities decide cancel Bundestag meeting be-
cause of recent Khrushchev threat, we would probably not urge them
reconsider. However, we believe that it would be difficult for Soviets
and for general public avoid inference Federal Republic's moral sup-
port for Berlin was lessening or Federal Republic's actions were being
unduly influenced by Soviet threats.
    Embassy is requested communicate above views to British and
    Decision on timing of communication above views to Germans will
be made following report of French and British reactions.

2Document 200.