XX     List of Abbreviations

E, Bureau of Economic Affairs,
  Department of State
EAC, European Advisory Commission
EC, series indicator for telegrams from
  the Commander in Chief, Europe
ECA, Economic Cooperation
ECM, electronic countermeasures
ECOSOC, United Nations Economic
  and Social Council
EDC, European Defense Community
EE, Office of Eastern European Affairs,
  Department of State
EEC, European Economic Community
EFTA, European Free Trade Area
EGR, East German Republic
Embdes, Embassy despatch
EmbOff, Embassy officer
Embtel, Embassy telegram
EUR, Bureau of European Affairs,
  Department of State
EUR/SOV, Office of Soviet Union
  Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs,
  Department of State
EURATOM, European Atomic Energy
FAA, Federal Aviation Administration
FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Fed Rep, Federal Republic
FIG, France, Italy, and Germany
FM, Foreign Minister
FMLM, French Military Liaison
FMW Ref, Foreign Ministers Meeting
Washington, reference
FonMin, Foreign Minister
FonOff, Foreign Office
FonSec, Foreign Secretary
ForMin, Foreign Minister
FRG, Federal Republic of Germany
FTA, free trade area
FY, fiscal year
FYI, for your information
GA, General Assembly
GARIOA, Government and Relief in
  Occupied Areas
GDR, German Democratic Republic
GER, Office of German Affairs,
  Department of State
GER/GPA, Officer in Charge of
German Political Affairs, Office of
German Affairs, Department of State
GFR, German Federal Republic
GFY, German fiscal year

GNP, gross national product
GOF, Government of France
GPA, Officer in Charge of German
  Political Affairs, Department of State
GSFG, Group of Soviet Forces in
HGP D, Heads of Government Meeting
  Paris, document
HMG, Her (His) Majesty's Government
HQ, headquarters
IAEA, International Atomic Energy
IBRD, International Bank for
  Reconstruction and Development
ICA, International Cooperation
ICJ, International Court of Justice
IDO, International Disarmament
IRBM, Intermediate range ballistic
IS, International Staff
ISA, Office of the Assistant Secretary of
  Defense for International Security
IZT, interzonal trade agreement
JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
JSSC, Joint Strategic Survey Committee
K, Khrushchev
L, Office of the Legal Adviser,
  Department of State
L/EUR, Assistant Legal Adviser for
  European Affairs, Department of
LS, Division of Language Services,
  Department of State
M, Office of the Under Secretary of
  State for Political Affairs
MAAG, Military Assistance Advisory
MAP, Military Assistance Program
MC, Military Committee
MinPres, Minister President
MLM, Military Liaison Mission
MOD, Minister of Defense
MP, military police; Member of
MSP, Mutual Security Program
MVW US Del MC, Macmillan Visit to
  Washington, U.S. Delegation,
  memorandum of conversation
mytel, my telegram
NAC, National Advisory Council;
  North Atlantic Council