Status of Berlin, August-December 1959 101

would allay this but has since done nothing about it. A friendly gesture
by Adenauer to the Poles would help a great deal.
    Considering his schedule generally, the President said that Decem-
ber is a bad time for him to go to conferences. He has the State of the
Union message and the Budget Message very much on his mind at that
time. The President said that de facto he is cancelling the social schedule,
simply because it is not possible to schedule events such as the diplo-
matic dinners, the Supreme Court dinner, etc. He asked that the State
Department develop a good diplomatic position, and get it prepared
and coordinated before the Western summit meeting. The meeting
should be held largely to show solidarity. While he can attend that, he
will not have the time to thresh out matters in full detail.
    The President said he would make Mr. Murphy his Special Assist-
ant for the trip. He said he would also perhaps wish to take the Assistant
Secretary of State for the Mid-Eastern area. He said he plans to keep his
party as small as he can. He mentioned that he will send his military
aides out on advance trips for the visit. He wishes to have Major Eisen-
hower as his personal aide to look after personal demands.
    On each major topic, the President hoped the Secretary would
thrash out with the Foreign Ministers just what the West is prepared to
do-on disarmament and Berlin/Germany, for example. Mr. Herter
said the problem will come if some of the Ministers say they will not dis-
cuss it. The President said they would be taking a great responsibility.
                                              Brigadier General, USA

38.  Telegram From the Mission at Berlin to the Department of

                                    Berlin, November 3, 1959, 1 p.m.

    433. Paris for Embassy and CINCEUR, Thurston and Finn. Deptel
1869 Paris, 950 Bonn, 3561 London.1 Commandants evening Nov 2
agreed inter alia authorize West Berlin police use pistols in accordance

    Source: Department of State, Central Files, 762B.04/11-359. Secret; Priority.
ceived at 9:03 a.m., November 3. Also sent to Bonn and repeated to Moscow,
priority to
Paris, London, and priority to POLAD USAREUR.
    1 Telegram 1869 to Paris, November 2, expressed the Department's concern
over the
continued lack of agreement among the Commandants in West Berlin about what
to do in
the event of future flag-raising episodes. (Ibid., 762B.04/10-3059)