Index 845

  Germany, Federal Republic of,
      relations with (see also German
      Federal Republic entries above, 121,
      537-541, 557
    Bundestag meeting, 535, 536n,
        538-541, 544-546, 552-554
    French position, 534-536, 538-539,
  guaranteed city proposal, 18, 23, 55,
  high altitude flights, 30, 119-120,
      204-205, 212-213, 222
  intelligence reports, 552-561
  joint committee proposal, 14
  Khrushchev visit to U.S., discussions,
      32, 36-43, 45, 47-55, 57-59
  Langelle incident, 78
  moratorium proposals, 18, 27-28,
      69-72, 181-183, 185, 208-209, 350
    German Federal Republic position,
        93-94, 182
 North Atlantic Treaty Organization
      and, 105, 127, 203, 529, 568, 572,
      574, 577, 586-587
 plebiscite proposals, 237-240, 242,
      249-250, 282, 408
    British position, 254-255
    German Federal Republic position,
        238, 241, 251-253, 256-258,
        277-279, 376
 political situation, 344-345
 post-blockade agreements (1949), 421
 Smirnov memorandum, 174-175, 611
 Soviet interim agreement proposal,
     395-397, 406-409, 418-422,
     433-435, 520-521
 Soviet policies, 160-161, 184, 191, 358,
     596-597, 606-607, 611-612, 616n,
     618-619, 622-623
 Soviet separate treaty and (see also
     tripartite contingency planning
     below), 164, 179-185, 210, 350,
     559, 617
   Bundestag meeting, 538n, 539-541,
   German Federal Republic position,
        88-89, 104, 121, 128-129,
        131-132, 193, 216, 228

  Soviet separate treaty
    Smirnov memorandum, 174-175,
  summit meeting discussion:
    disarmament and, 259-260, 294,
    Foreign Ministers meetings,
        308-314,363-366, 406409
    French position, 350
    German Federal Republic position,
        131, 135, 138, 216-217, 227,
    plebiscite proposals and, 237-238
    U.S.-British discussions, 358-359
    U.S.-German Federal Republic
        discussions, 127-128
    U.S. planning, 69-70, 163-165, 198,
    U.S.-Soviet discussions, 46
    working group, 124-125, 141,
        144-145, 190, 201-204, 281-284
 tripartite contingency planning (see
      also tripartite economic
      countermeasures below), 487488
    airlift proposals, 219, 487, 491, 547
    British note to Soviet Union,
   British position, 180, 184-185, 202,
        260, 510, 529-530
   flag issue, 61n, 64n, 85-87, 94-95
   French position, 177-178, 180, 184
   German Federal Republic
        participation, 178, 182,
        201-202, 206, 216, 241-242, 528,
        531-532, 567-568, 571, 573, 579,
   German Federal Republic position,
        180, 184-185, 201-202, 234,
   interdepartmenal coordinating
        group, 527-531
   JCS position, 168-169, 528, 593-594,
   North Atlantic Treaty Organization
        and, 529, 606-609, 619-620
   NSC discussion, 509-511, 601-602
   psychological warfare, 597
   summit meeting breakup and, 482
   temporary travel documents, 578,
        583, 588, 607-608