German Democratic Republic 709

Communism, confidence in the West, and hope for a reunified demo-
cratic and independent Germany. Imaginative and flexible programs
will be required, permitting quick adjustment to possible changes in
Communist restrictions on the access of the East German population to
Berlin and West Germany.
    9. Basic: The reunification in freedom of a Germany enjoying a rep-
resentative government based upon the consent of the governed and
participating fully in the free world community.
    10. Interim:
    a. To place the Soviets on the defensive by measures in support of
    b. To undermine Soviet control over East Germany through ex-
ploiting the Western position in the Federal Republic and Berlin.
    c. To diminish the reliability of the East German armed forces.
    d. To minimize East German contribution to Soviet power and en-
courage changes in the present East German-Soviet relationship which
would weaken Soviet control.
    e. To conserve and strengthen the assets within East Germany
which may contribute to U.S. interests in peace or war and to the ulti-
mate freedom of East Germany.

                      Major Policy Guidance

    11. Use appropriate means short of military force to oppose, and to
contribute to the eventual elimination of, Soviet domination over East
Germany and to promote the reunification of Germany in freedom, in-
cluding, when appropriate, concert with NATO or other friendly pow-
ers, resort to UN procedures, and diplomatic negotiations.
    12. Seek to increase popular and bureaucratic pressures against the
present regime through the exploitation of discontent with political and
economic conditions in East Germany.
    13. Continue basic opposition to the Soviet-Communist system and
continue to state its evils.
    14. Encourage democratic, anti-Communist elements in East Ger-
many. Stress the healthy aspects of a common German heritage and co-
operate with other forces-such as religious, cultural, social-which are
natural allies in the struggle against Soviet imperialism and seek to
maintain the morale and will to resist Communist domination.
    15. Stimulate and exploit conflicts within the Communist regime in
East Germany and between it and other Communist regimes, as appro-
priate, to the achievement of our policy objectives.
    16. Exploit the developing organizations of Western unity (NATO,
WEU, OEEC, CSC, etc.) as a force working for a free European commu-
nity including a reunified Germany.