Austria 793

tivate some ICA instructions to us here. I very much hope that you can
hold them off until Christmas, and in any conversations you may have
with Kamitz indicate that while Austria has promptly and punctiliously
met its onerous treaty obligations to the Soviet Union, it has not met
those to us and we find this difficult to understand.2
    With all good wishes for continued success in the splendid job you
are doing.
    Very sincerely,

    2In a letter of November 15, Under Secretary Dillon approved the course
of action
proposed here by Ambassador Matthews. (Ibid., 763.5-MSP/11-758)

307. Editorial Note

    From November 19 though 21, Finance Minister Reinhard Kamitz
visited Washington. On November 20, he held discussions with Eugene
Black, President of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Devel-
opment; William McChesney Martin, Chairman of the Federal Reserve
Board; Secretary of the Treasury Robert B. Anderson; Samuel Baugh,
President of the Export-Import Bank; and Per Jacobsson of the Interna-
tional Monetary Fund.
    On November 21, he met with Assistant Secretary of State for Eco-
nomic Affairs Thomas C. Mann and with Deputy Assistant Secretary of
State for European Affairs Frederick W. Jandrey. A briefing memoran-
dum for the meeting with Mann is in Department of State, Central Files,
763.13/11-2058. A briefing memorandum for the meeting with Jandrey
is ibid., Austria Desk Files: Lot 68 D 123.
    Memoranda of conversation with Jandrey, dated November 21, on
Austrian fulfillment of State Treaty obligations and on the European
Free Trade Area are ibid. A memorandum of conversation with Baugh,
dated November 20, is ibid.
    Kamitz had lunch with Secretary of Commerce Lewis Strauss on
November 21.
    On November 22, Kamitz flew to New York. He left New York for
Vienna on November 25.