8. No person will be molested or injured in respect of his rights
or property on account of his nationality or his participation in the
9. In the territory under the military occupation of the Polish and
Ukrainian forces respectively in accordance with Article 2, the prin-
ciples laid down in the regulations annexed to the Land War Conven-
tion of 1907 (the Hague Convention)7 will be strictly observed by
the two parties, and due regard will be paid to the desires of the
inhabitants whose nationality differs from that of the forces in occu-
pation. Local Authorities, representative of the majority of the
inhabitants of the several districts concerned, will be granted the
maximum possible facilities.
10. The disposal of the output of the oilfields shall be on the basis
that one-half of the output of the oil-fields shall be delivered monthly
on rail to the Polish authorities against payment in cash or in kind.
The price charged shall be assessed by the Armistice Commission on
the basis of the cost of production inclusive of administrative and
transportation expenses.
11. All transactions relative to the property, rights and interests
(bien8, droit8 et interets) appertaining to the enemies of the Allied
and Associated Powers in the territories placed under the control of
the parties are prohibited for the duration of the present Armistice
and will be treated as null and void. The above provision does not,
however, prevent transactions which are necessary for the exploita-
tion of such properties.
12. During the present Armistice no concessions shall be granted
for the rights of exploitation on the oil-fields lying on State land
on the territory of either party.
13. The provisions of the present Armistice must not be taken in
any way as deciding the definitive status of the territory of East
Galicia which will be determined in due course by the Allied and
Associated Powers in treaties or conventions to be concluded by
them at a later date. This Armistice will expire when such definitive
status is so determined.
Annex A
Reference Austrian Staff Map 1/200,000
The proposed Armistice Line-
leaves the Bug at its confluence with the Kozloroice and follows
the course of this river to its confluence with the Warezanka, passing
west of Uhrynow;
thence taking a line southwards through the trigonometrical points
246, 258, 208, 210 to a point on the course of the Blotnice river immedi-
ately north of point 207 (passing east of Lubow and Waniow and
west of Siebieczow and Zabcze);
'F oreign Relations, 1907, pt. 2, p. 1204.