Pending their delivery, dirigibles will, at the expense of the State
of Hungary, be maintained inflated with hydrogen; the plant of the
manufacture of hydrogen, as well as the sheds for dirigibles, may,
at the discretion of the said Powers, be left to the State of Hungary
until the time when the dirigibles are handed over.
Engines for aircraft.
Nacelles and fuselages.
Armament (guns, machine guns, light machine guns, bomb-drop-
ping apparatus, torpedo-dropping apparatus, synchronisation appa-
ratus, aiming apparatus).
Munitions (cartridges, shells, bombs, loaded or unloaded, stocks
of explosives or material for their manufacture).
Instruments for use on aircraft.
Wireless apparatus and photographic or cinematograph apparatus
for use on aircraft.
Component parts of any of the items under the preceding heads.
The material referred to above shall not be removed without special
permission from the said Governments.
The aircraft of the Allied and Associated Powers shall have full
liberty of passage and landing over and in the territory and territorial
waters of the State of Hungary and shall enjoy the same privileges
as aircraft belonging to the State of Hungary, particularly in case
of distress by land or sea.
The aircraft of the Allied and Associated Powers shall, while in
transit to any foreign country whatever, enjoy the right of flying
over the territory and territorial waters of the State of Hungary
without landing subject always to any regulations which may be made
by the State of Hungary, and which shall be applicable equally to the
aircraft of the State of Hungary and those of the Allied and Associ-
ated countries.
All aerodromes in the State of Hungary open to national public
traffic shall be open for the aircraft of the Allied and Associated
powers, and in any such aerodrome such aircraft shall be treated on
a footing of equality with Hungarian aircraft as regards charges of
every description, including charges for landing and accommodation.
Subject to the present provisions, the rights of passage, transit
and landing, provided for in Articles 31, 32, and 33 are, subject to the
observance of such regulations as Hungary may consider it necessary
to enact, but such regulation shall be applied without distinction to
aircraft belonging to the State of Hungary and to the aircraft of
Allied and Associated countries.