Treaties, conventions, etc.-Continued.
Treaty of 1839 relating to Belgium, 32,
Trianon. See Hungary: Treaty of
Versailles. See Germany: Treaty of
Tredwell, Roger C., 69
Trianon, treaty of. See Hungary:
Treaty of peace.
Trieste. See Italy: Adriatic claims.
Turkey (see also Azerbaijan; Turkish
Blockade, Allied, 536
Debt, 618, 623, 758, 7 -
Frontier with Bulgaria, 64
League of Nations, question of ad-
mission of Turkish races and ter-
ritories, 691-692, 694, 697, 700,
Treaty of peace with the Allied and
Associated Powers: Allied con-
sideration of military or naval
measures necessary in event of
Turkish refusal or inability to
sign, 65, 66, 532-533, 533-534, 536;
penalties clauses, 530; prepara-
tion, preliminary, 65, 588
Turkish territories, mandate and mili-
tary occupation questions:
Asia Minor (including the islands,
Armenia, the Caucasus, Constan-
Mandates, proposed distribution of
(see also Moslems of India,
hearing, infra):
Commission to investigate. See
Commission, infra.
Discussions, general, 10, 12-14,
65, 106-107, 466, 472, 482-483,
484, 498, 581-587, 588, 614-
616, 618-620, 622-623, 668,
669-672, 686, 688, 689, 707-
709, 710, 711, 717-718, 719,
720, 726, 756-759, 759-760,
760-761, 761-763, 763-765,
765-766, 770-771
French participation, question of,
583, 618, 619, 622-623, 708-
709, 757-758, 761-762, 763-
Greek participation, questions
concerning Smyrna and the
Dodecanese Islands, 484, 583,
584, 585-586, 586, 614, 619,
622, 622-623, 759, 765, 770
Italian participation, question of,
482-483, 484, 581-582, 582,
583, 584, 585, 586, 614-616,
618-620, 622-623, 669, 671-
672, 686, 707-708, 710, 711,
717-718, 719, 720, 726, 757-
758; claims under Treaty of
London and St. Jean de
Maurienne agreement, 484,
670, 717-718, 719, 720, 726,


Turkish territories, mandate and mili-
tary occupation questions-Con.
Asia Minor-Continued.
Mandates, proposed distribution
U. S. participation, question of,
10, 472, 482, 581, 583, 585,
588, 614, 619, 622, 688, 711,
757-758, 759-760, 760-761,
762, 765-766, 770
Military and naval action by Allies:
Italian action, unauthorized, in-
Dodecanese Islands, Italian op-
pression, 465, 482
Scala Nuova and adjacent
ports, and Allied represen-
tations to Italian delegates
concerning, 466, 482, 502,
571, 668-669, 686-687, 688-
689, 716-721, 723, 726
Smyrna, and dispatch by Coun-
cil of interallied expedition
to assist in occupation by
Greek forces, 354, 412-413,
422, 467, 483-484, 501-505,
553-558, 570-571, 577-578,
689, 717, 718, 721-723, 733-
Proposed redistribution of forces
of occupation (see also Ital-
ian action: Smyrna, supra):
British troops in the Cauca-
sus, question of replacement
by Italian troops, 4, 467, 467-
468; U. S. troops, proposed
dispatch to Turkish terri-
tories, and statutory preven-
tion of, 466, 467-468, 482
St. Jean de Maurienne agreement,
provisions regarding Italian
claims, 484, 720
Treaty of London, provisions re-
garding Italian claims, 717-718,
719, 726
Views of-
Clemenceau, 503, 557, 570, 577,
583, 585, 586, 614, 616, 618,
619, 622-623, 669, 686, 688,
688-689, 709, 717, 718, 719,
722, 723, 761-762
Lloyd George, 483, 484, 503, 504,
554, 555, 556, 557, 570, 571,
578, 581-582, 582, 583, 583-
584, 584, 585, 586, 588, 61.5,
616, 618, 619, 622-623, 668,
669, 686-687, 687, 688, 688-
689, 700, 707-708, 708, 709,
710, 711, 717, 718, 719, 720,
721, 722, 723, 756-758, 760,
763-765, 770-771
Orlando and Sonnino, 570, 571,
577, 578, 686, 687, 716, 717,
717-718, 718, 719, 720, 723,