This would be set off one against the other and their [they?] would
be credited with the balance.
MR. NORMAN DAVIs asked what would happen if the balance was
a debit instead of a credit.
MR. LLOYD GEORGE said in that case there would be no claim.
(The above arrangement was agreed to.)
17. M. KLOTZ asked what would be the position of the subjects
of Allied and Associated countries established in a
Claims by the Sub-                       p
Jects of Allied and country like Poland whose property had been de-
Associated Powers
Resident in Poland stroyed. They would not claim compensation from
and Czecho-Slovakia Poland; ought it not to be provided that they should
claim against Germany?
MR. LLOYD GEORGE pointed out that they were provided for by
Annex I, Article I (a).
It was also pointed out that they were provided for by Article 3,
where the words used were "wherever situated".
18. After a somewhat prolonged discussion, the following arrange-
ments were agreed to for consultation with the Powers with special
interest on the subject of the reparation clauses. The
smallerPioneWiththe Expert Committee, which had been advising the
Supreme Council, should divide itself into groups and
each group should see a group of nations of the Powers with special
interests. M. Loucheur undertook to organise this arrangement.
Those States which had observations to make should subsequently
have the right of consulting the Supreme Council.
The Return of Ani-  19. M. LOtTCHEuR proposed the following addition
mals Taken From
Invaded Territories to Article 7 of the reparation clauses-
"Si une moitie au moins des animaux pris par l'ennemi dans les
territoires envahis ne peut etre identifiee et restituee, le reste, jusqu'a
concurrence de la moitie du nombre enleve, sera livre par l'Allemagne
a titre de restitution."4
(After considerable discussion, it was agreed that M. Loucheur's
proposed addition to Article 7 should not be inserted in the Treaty
of Peace; his proposal should, however, form the subject of a separate
agreement between the Allies, a draft text of the agreement to be
prepared and submitted by M. Loucheur.)
Categories of    20. M. KLoTrz proposed the addition of the follow-
Damage        ing new category of damage.-
"h) DNpenses engag6es par l'Etat, ou pour son compte et avec son
autorisation, pour ravitailler, transporter ou secourir la population
4Translation: "If a half at least of the animals taken by the enemy
in the
Invaded areas cannot be Identified and restored, the remainder, up to half
the number removed, shall be delivered by Germany under the heading of