theless, in all cases where such agreements and regulations in force
are in conflict with the provisions of Articles 12 to 17 above or of
the General Convention to be concluded, the latter provisions shall
prevail forthwith.
(3) Special Clauses Regarding the Danube
ARTiciE 26
The European Commission of the Danube reassumes the powers it
possessed before the war. Nevertheless, as a provisional measure,
only representatives of Great Britain, France, Italy, and Roumania
shall constitute this Commission.
From the point where the competence of the European Commission
ceases, the Danube system included in Article 11 shall be under the
administration of an International Commission composed as fol-
2 representatives of German. riparian States;
1 representative of each other riparian State;
1 representative of each non-riparian State represented in the
future on the European Commission of the Danube.
If certain of the representatives provided for above cannot be ap-
pointed at the time of the signature of the Preliminary Peace Treaty,
the decisions of the Commission shall nevertheless be valid.
The International Commission provided for in Article 27 shall meet
as soon as possible after the signature of the Preliminary Peace
Treaty, and shall undertake provisionally the administration of the
river in conformity with the provisions of Articles 12 to 17, until
such time as a. definitive statute regarding the Danube is concluded
by the Powers nominated by the A States.
The B States agree to accept the regime which shall be laid down
for the Danube by a Conference of the Powers nominated by the A
States, which shall meet within one year after the signature of the
Preliminary Peace Treaty.