Mr. Chengting Thomas Wang (former Minister of Commerce
and Agriculture).
Mr. Chin-Chun Wang (Managing Director of the Peking-
Hankow Railway) (alternate).
Mr. Coromilas (Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo-
tentiary of Greece at Rome).
Mr. C. Kasperski (Professor at College of Commerce at Warsaw).
Count de Penha Garcia (former President of the Chamber of
Deputies and former Minister of Finance), subsequently
replaced by
Colonel Norton de Mattos (former Minister for War).
Mr. N. Misu (Roumanian Envoy Extraordinary and Minister
Plenipotentiary at London).
Mr. N. Stefanescu (Engineer-Inspector-General, former Director
of River Navigation of the Roumanian State) (alternate).
Mr. Ante Trumbic (Minister of Foreign Affairs).
Tchecho-Slovak Republic-
Mr. C. Kramar (President of the Council of Ministers).
Mr. Juan Carlos Blanco (Envoy Extraordinary and Minister
Plenipotentiary of Uruguay at Paris, former Minister of
Public Works).
The bureau of the Commission was as follows:-
Mr. Crespi, President;
Hon. Arthur L. Sifton, Vice-President;
Mr. Chargueraud (Councillor of State, Vice-President of the
Superior Council of Public Works), Secretary-General.
Mr. Christian A. Herter (United States of America)
Mr. W. T. Turner (British Empire)             'Secretaries
Mr. Mosca (Italy)                             J
Mr. Horiuchi (Japan)
First Report Presented to the Preliminary Peace Conference by the
Commission on the International Regimde of Ports, Waterways, and
The Preliminary Peace Conference at its session on the 25th Janu-
ary, 1919, decided that the study of questions relating to the inter-
national regime of ports, waterways, and railways should be entrusted
to a special Commission.
This Commission was composed of nineteen members, ten belonging
to the Great Powers (United States of America, British Empire,

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