Parts Peace Cont. 180.03401/14                             CF 14
Notes of a Meeting Held at President Wilson's House in the Place
des Etats-Unis, Paris, on Thursday, May 15,1919, at 11 a. m.
President Wilson.       The Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George, M. P.
FRANCE                           ITALY
M. Clemencean.                   M. Orlando.
Sir Mauriee Hankev, K. C. B.  Secretary.
Professor P. J. Mantoux    Interpreter.
(NonE. This was not a regular meeting, but there was some delay in
the assembly of the experts for the discussion of the Military, Naval
and Air Clauses for the Austrian and Hungarian treaties, and advan-
tage was taken of this interval to deal with the following questions.)
1. With reference to C. F. 13, Minute 3,1 MR. LLOYD GEORGE pro-
duced a re-draft of the reply to Herr Brockdorff-Rantzau's letter on
Prisoners of War: the subject of Prisoners of War. (Appendix I.)
Letter From    Before the reply was sent, however, he wished to raise
Rantzau        a question of principle, namely, as to whether supplies
of clothing, including underclothing and boots, if available, ought not
to be given to prisoners of war on release, as proposed by Brockdorff-
Rantzau. He thought it possible that some stocks of German uni-
forms and clothing might have been captured in the advance of 1918,
and he suggested that these, supplemented by any other stocks that
might be available, might be used to provide some outfit to prisoners
of war.
M. CLEMENCEAU doubted whether any stocks were available, but had
no objection to inquiry being made.
PRESIDENT WILsoN agreed that inquiry should be made.
(It was agreed:
That the reply in regard to Prisoners should be suspended pending
inquiry by the Governments concerned as to whether any stocks of
German uniforms and clothing, or other stocks, were available for the
purpose of providing against repayment an outfit to German
'Ante, p. 608.