shall be properly maintained in accordance with Article 12 of the
present treaty.
The Allied and Associated Powers on the one part and the Aus-
trian Government on the other part reciprocally undertake also to
furnish to each other (1) a complete list of those who have died,
together with all information useful for identification; (2) all in-
formation as to the number and positions of graves of all who have
been buried without identification.
PARIS, 23 May, 1919.
SWC-411               rAppendix B to CF-271
Report on the Strength of the Armies To Be Allowed for Austria,
Hungary, Butlgaria, Czecho-Slovakia, Yugo-Slavia, Roumania,
Poland and Greece
On May 15th, 1919, the Supreme Council of the Allied and Asso-
ciated Powers made the following Resolution .- 1
It was agreed that the Military Representatives of the Supreme
War Council, Versailles, should prepare and submit a report show-
ing what forces should be allowed to Austria, Hungary, Czecho-
Slovakia, Jugo-Slavia (including Montenegro), Roumania, Poland,
Bulgaria and Greece, taking the German figures as a proportional
In the case of Poland due allowance shall be made for the existing
situation of the Eastern frontier.
The Military Representatives of the Supreme War Council have
the honour to submit to the Supreme Council the conclusions and
proposals contained in the attached Tables, which are based:-
(1) In regard to the numbers of the populations and the frontiers
of the States above-named, on the reports of the different Commis-
sions charged with the territorial questions relative to the said
States;* and
(2) In regard to the determination of the effectives to be author-
ised for each of the armies of these States, on the proportion adopted
in the case of Germany and decided to be sufficient by the Supreme
Council of the Allied and Associated Powers for ensuring the main-
tenance of order and for control of the frontiers; also on the instruc-
tions given by the Supreme Council relative to the strength of the
forces to be allowed to Austria.
The Military Representatives nevertheless persist in their opinion
that the very reduced number of efeotivs which they have fixed in
see CF-15, p. 635.
*No report had been drawn up for Bulgaria. The frontiers arising from
the reports with regard to Serbia and Greece have been adopted. [Footnote
the original.]