CHAPTER III. Recruiting and Military Training
All officers must be regulars (officiers de carrwere). The officers now
serving, who are retained in the Army, must undertake the obligation
to serve in it up to the age of 40 years at least. Officers now serving
who do not join the new army, will be released from all military
obligations; they must not take part in any military exercise, whether
theoretical or practical.
Officers newly appointed must undertake to serve on the active list
for 20 consecutive years at least.
The number of officers discharged for any reason before the expi-
ration of their term of service must not exceed in any year 5% of the
total effectives of officers provided for in the 3rd paragraph of Article
III. If this percentage is unavoidably exceeded the resulting shortage
must not be made good by fresh appointments.

(American-British Proposal)
The period of enlistment for
non-commissioned officers and pri-
vates must be for a total period of
not less than 12 consecutive years,
including at least 6 years' service
with the colours.
The proportion of men dis-
charged before the expiration of
the period of their enlistment, for
reasons of health or as a result of
disciplinary measures, or for any
other reason, must not in any year
exceed 5%o of the total efectives,
fixed by Article 3 of these terms.
If this percentage is unavoidably
exceeded, the resulting shortage
must not be made good by fresh

(French & Italian Proposal)
The voluntary enlistments and
re-engagements (8,000 men fixed
by Article 2) for non-commis-
sioned officers and men shall in no
case be less than 12 years continu-
ous service. The numbers of non-
commissioned officers and men
discharged from the Army for
any cause whatever before the
expiration of their period of en-
listment or obligatory service
shall not exceed each year for
each of the above-mentioned cat-
egories 5 per cent of the total
efectives fixed by Article 3 of
these terms.
If the proportion of 5 per cent
is unavoidably exceeded the re-
sulting shortage shall not be made
good by fresh enlistments.

CHAPTER IV. Schools, educational estaolishments, military
soieties, etc.
On the expiration of three months from the coming into force of
the present Treaty there must only exist in the State of Austria two