The B States particularly undertake not to establish against the
ports and ships of the A States any surtax or any direct or indirect
bounty for export or import by their ports or ships, or by those of
another State, for example as by combined tariffs. They further
undertake that persons or goods passing through a port or using a
ship of an A State shall not be subjected to any formality or delay
whatever to which such persons or goods would not be subjected
should they pass through a port or use a ship of the B State itself or
of any other State.
All necessary administrative and technical measures shall be taken
to shorten, as much as possible, the transmission of goods across the
frontiers of the territories of the B States, and to ensure their for-
warding and transport from such frontiers, whether such goods are
coming from or going to the A States or are in transit from or to
those States, under the same material conditions in such matters as
rapidity of carriage and care en route as are enjoyed by other goods
of the same kind carried on those territories under similar conditions
of transport.
In particular, the transport of perishable goods shall be promptly
and regularly carried out, and the Customs formalities shall be
effected in such a way as to allow the goods to be carried straight
through by trains which make connection.
Awn=E   5
The B States undertake not to take any measures the effect of
which would be to divert traffic of any kind from its normal itin-
erary for the benefit of their own transport routes.
The seaports of the A States are entitled to all favours and to all
reduced tariffs granted on the railways or navigable waterways of
the B States for the benefit of ports of the B States or of a port of
any other State.
No B State shall refuse to participate in the tariffs or combinations
of tariffs intended to secure for ports of an A State advantages
similar to those granted by any of the B States to the traffic of its
own ports or of the ports of any other State.