I may be permitted to observe that these words have gone down
deep into the hearts of millions of Mohammedans all over the world
and nothing can eradicate them. They have put perfect faith and
belief in these words, and they are anxiously waiting for the realiza-
tion of the things which these words promise.
It is clear from what the Peace Conference has so far decided that
the future of the enemy territories is settled upon the principle of
nationality. We beg and pray that the same principle may be applied
to the case of Turkey. It is needless to point out that these parts of
the Turkish Empire are predominately Turkish in race, and it is not
only the question of the sovereignty of the Sultan and the Khalifat,
but the fate of the whole Turkish race, inhabiting these parts, is in-
volved in your decision. Any such dismemberment of Turkey and
subjugation of the Turkish race to foreign domination will be most
strongly resented by the Moslems of India and will be regarded by
them as due to the fact that Turkey is a Mohammedan power. This
is sure to leave a sense of most bitter feeling in India and other parts
of the Moslem world. There is no valid reason why Germany,
Austria, and Bulgaria should be allowed to keep their capitals and
Turkey should be deprived of sovereignty over Constantinople. We
earnestly appeal that the Sultan should not only be allowed to possess
complete sovereignty, but that in due course Turkey should be
admitted to the League of Nations.
As regards Mesopotomia, Arabia, Syria and Palestine, our prayer
is that they should continue to be under a Mohammedan government.
The Mussulmans in India and other parts of the world are most
anxiously watching the settlement with a view to see how far the
principles of justice and self-determination are given effect to in the
case of these territories. In this connection the essential points which
we would earnestly urge before this august body are:
1. Establishment of Mohammedan government, not only in name
but in fact, based on the principle of self-determination.
2. Definite and effective provision for their unhampered economic
development, protecting their natural resources against foreign
3. Definite and effective provision for the spread and extension
-of modern education of all grades and kinds to secure moral and
intellectual advancement of the people.
And, lastly, adequate representation of representative Mohammed-
ans upon any body or institution which the League of Nations
should set up for periodical inspection of territories under its man-
date, so that in due course these territories may also be admitted to
the League.
Such are the tests which Mussulmans will naturally apply to any
settlement which the Peace Conference may be pleased to determine