1. In the north it should begin from the Dnieper, then follow the
river Pripet as far as Pinsk, then run along the course of the river
Pine, follow the Dnieper-Bug Canal, return along the river Mouk-
havetz up to Brest-Litowsk, from there along the Bug up to the con-
fluence with the river Kozlovice, &c.
2. In the south the line should start from the point where the
administrative borders of the districts of Lemberg, Premyselany and
Bobrka (village Peezenia) meet and follow the administrative bor-
ders between the districts of Lemberg and Bobrka, up to the point
375, whence it is to follow Lemberg approximately, from Szczerzec
to the administrative border of the district of Grodek near the
station Stawceany, then the administrative borders between the
districts of Orodek-Rudki, Mosciska-Rudki, Mosciska-Sambor,
Przemysl-Sambor, Przemysl Stary Sambor, Dobromil-Stary Sam-
bor, Lisko-Stary-Sambor, Lisko-Turka up to the old Hungarian
frontier (vide the line traced on the map).
Ad. I.-If the demarcation line ended at the Bug River, the old
Austro-Russian frontier, the Western Ukrainian Republic, occupying
only the territory of former Austria, would be placed in a precarious
strategic position, at the moment when Polish armies would appear
in the north and in the east at the same time.
Ad. II (a) .-The alteration proposed by us on this point corre-
sponds better to the present military situation; and as compared with
the situation at the moment of the appeal made by the Supreme
Council on the 19th of March our line offers even considerable advan-
tages to the Poles.
Ad. II (b).-But the most important reason for this modification
is found in consideration that, foreseeing an Armistice of long dura-
tion, we Ukrainians would be connected by a single railway line
(Stryj-Lawoczne-Munkacs) with the Czecho-Slovaks, Hungarians,
Yugo-Slavs, Italians and Austrians, with most of which our Govern-
ment has already concluded commercial treaties. The Stanislau-
K45romez8-Sziget line is devoid of all commercial value; moreover,
it leads into the territory occupied by the Roumanians, with whom
we have more convenient ways of communication through Bukovina.
It would be disastrous for the economic life of Ukraine, considering
that Poles would have six double-track railways communicating with
the above-named countries, therefore, our request for the Sambor-
Sanki line does not appear unreasonable.
As to the term of evacuation of the Ukrainian troops from beyond
the demarcation line, which concerns practically only Ukrainians,
we propose to extend same, on account of the inconvenient railway
net and bad condition of our rolling-stock and locomotives, so much
more so as Article 4 imposes already upon our railroad administra-
tion very trying obligations