Treaty of peace with the Allied and
Associated Powers-Continued.
servations, supra, and Signa-
ture, infra):
Allied representation (see also
Credentials, infra) : Arrange-
ments for assembling at Ver-
sailles, material preparations
for meeting, and furnishing
of copies of treaty to delega-
tions, 471, 474, 496; powers
to participate, determination,
293, 298, 312-313, 322, 415,
416-417, 481, 491
Exchange and examination of
Allied and German creden-
tials, 292-293, 297, 311-312,
321, 338, 352, 357, 390, 403-
Furnishing to Germans by both
central and state govern-
ments, question of, 336, 368
Questions concerning Belgian
credentials, 351; Italian
credentials, 390-392, 485;
Jugoslav credentials, 292-
293, 297, 312, 321, 338
Date for meeting, and invitation,
59-60, 390, 312, 414, 452, 464,
German delegation (see also
Brockdorff - Rantzau  a n d
Credentials, supra): Allied
insistence on fully-empow-
ered plenipotentiaries, 101-
102; freedom of movement at
Versailles and of communica-
tion with German Govern-
ment at Weimar, 112-113,
116, 204, 472, 473; journalists,
German, accompanying dele-
gation, 152, 203-204, 472, 473,
531; language, German, use
of, 404; names of delegates
and reports concerning atti-
tude of, 116, 151, 204-205,
403-404, 405, 464, 510-511,
527-528, 540, 579, 682, 707,
801; printers, German, assist-
ance of, 772, 773, 774
Plenary session, May 7: Press
representation and prohibi-
tion against taking of photo-
graphs, 356, 496; proceedings,
cited, 510-511, 512-513, 527-
Procedure for conducting nego-
tiations, plan of Secretary
General: Discussions, 63,
292-293, 311-314; draft texts
of plan, 297-298, 321-322
Notes exchanged between German
delegation and Allied Powers
concerning peace treaty. See
German observations, supra.


Treaty of peace with the Allied and
Associated Powers-Continued.
Publicity of text or summary of
treaty as handed to Germans,
question of, 1533-154, 204-205,
357, 404, 469-470, 485, 491-492,
577, 673-674
Signature, questions concerning:
Attitude of Germans toward sig-
nature, reported, 540, 579,
Demand by Germany for delay in
time limit for signing treaty,
May 20, and Allied acquies-
cence, May 21:
Discussions, 707, 754, 772-774
Texts: German note, 767; reply
of Allies, 774
Failure or refusall of Germany to
sign, action in event of:
Blockade measures, proposed,
535, 600, 601, 603-604
Military and naval measures,
proposed, 60, 65-66, 520,
526-528, 532-535, 537-540,
600, 674, 702-704; Marshal
Foch's trip to the front as
a demonstration, 539, 540,
Report of German military
preparations, 772-773
Possible nonparticipation in ne-
gotiations and signature, of-
Belgium, on account of non-
fulfillment of reparation
demands, 349-351
Italy, on account of refusal of
demand for Fiume. See
Italy: Absence of pleni-
Japan, in event of refusal of
Shantung demands, 127
Terms, draft texts, discussions, etc.:
Boundaries of Germany and po-
litical clauses for Europe:
Alsace-Lorraine: Committee to
examine draft clauses, 112;
discussions, 305-307, 373-
376, 419; texts, draft, 376-
386, 423-424
Austria, German recognition of
Austrian independence and
treaty with Allies, 41, 114,
118, 421, 425, 476-477
Belgium:    German    protest
against cession to Belgium
of Moresnet, Eupen, and
Malmedy, and Allied reply,
818, 820, 82-4, 828, 916, rec-
ognition by Germany of
new    regime   replacing
Treaty of 1839 concerning
Belgium, 41
Czechoslovakia, 64, 440, 442-