In the case of any difference of opinion among the Delegates,
which cannot be solved by reference to their Governments, upon the
question whether a given case is one which requires unanimous vote
for its decision or not, such difference shall be referred to the im-
mediate arbitration of some impartial person to be agreed upon by
their Governments whose award the Allied and Associated Govern-
ments agreed to accept.
14. Decisions of the Commission, in accordance with the powers
conferred upon it, shall forthwith become binding and may be put
into immediate execution without further proceedings.
15. The Commission shall issue to each of the interested Powers
in such form as the Commission shall fix:
(1.) A certificate stating that it holds for the account of the said
Power bonds of the issues mentioned above, the said cer-
tificate on the demand of the Power concerned being di-
visible into a number of parts not exceeding five;
(2.) From time to time certificates stating goods delivered by
Austria on account of her reparation debt which it holds
for the account of the said Power.
Such certificates shall be registered and, upon notice to the Com-
mission, may be transferred by endorsement.
When bonds are issued for sale or negotiation, and when goods
are delivered by the Commission, certificates to an equivalent value
must be withdrawn.
16. Interest shall be debited to Austria as from the Ist May, 1921,
in respect of her debt as determined by the Commission after allow-
ing for sums already covered by cash payments or their equivalent
by bonds issued to the Commission or under Article XIII. The rate
of interest shall be 5 per cent. unless the Commission shall deter-
mine at some future time that circumstances justify a variation of
this rate.
The Commission, in fixing on the 1st May, 1921 the total amount
of the debt of Austria, may take account of interest due on sums
arising out of reparation and of material damage as from 11th No-
vember, 1918 up to 1st May, 1921.
17. In case of default by Austria in the performance of any obli-
gation under this part of the present Treaty the Commission will
forthwith give notice of such default to each of the interested Powers
and may make such recommendations as to the action to be taken
in consequence of such default as it may think necessary.
18. The measures which the Allied and Associated Powers shall
have the right to take, in the case of voluntary default by Austria,
and which Austria agrees not to record as acts of wars may include