Having concluded the first consideration of the financial capacity
of the enemy States and their means of payment and reparation,
the Sub-Committee adopted the following Resolution-
"It is understood that in adopting the principles and resolutions
which have already been adopted, the Sub-Committee does not ex-
clude the adoption of additional resolutions subsequently, or regard
those already adopted as exhaustive of all cases."
The President of the Second Sub-Committee.
APRIL 18, 1919.
Clauses Proposed for Insertion in the Treaty of Peace
CLAUSE A-Article Governing Restitution
(See the First Interim Report under "Restitution.")
The enemy States must make immediate restitution of all prop-
erty, generally, and of whatsoever kind, belonging to the Allied
Powers of which they have possessed themselves for any purpose.
and which is now to be found on their territory.
Annex No.       of the Treaty provides conditions according to
which restitution shall be made.
In accordance with Article No.  of the Treaty, the enemy States
shall return to the Allied Powers all effects, whether movables or
fixtures, public property or that of artificial or natural persons,
which enemy nationals have carried off and which are now in enemy
territory. This clause applies to each and every object thus carried
off which may now be situated in the enemy States.
Accordingly those States shall execute a solemn undertaking imme-
diately to collect from their nationals returns setting forth the
whereabouts of effects now in the possession of the said nationals
drawn from territories of the Allied and Associated Powers.
Laws shall immediately be enacted which shall provide that every
person who fails to make a return will be regarded as a receiver of
stolen goods and will be liable to severe penalties to be determined by
agreement with the Allied and Associated Powers.
An interval of one month from the signing of the Preliminary
Treaty of Peace will be allowed for the making of these returns.
A comprehensive return, setting forth the sources from which ob-
jects have been drawn, if they have been identified, the nature of the