Isaur Takeshita 9 on the subject of the disposal of submarines. With
the exception of Admiral de Bon, it was unanimously
German of     recommended that all the submarines, submarine sal-
Submarines                            s     ra
vage vessels and docks surrendered by Germany
should be broken up. Admiral de Bon did not, however, agree in
this view and considered that the destruction of submarines and the
future of submarine warfare could not be separated.
(The subject was postponed for future consideration.)
6. SIR MAURICE HANKEY read the following letter from Lord
Cunliffe :-10
"Dear Sir Maurice.-It has been suggested that before the Commit-
New States and  tee which is to report on what Austria could and should
Coats of the War  pay can make any real progress the "Big Four"
decide whether the new States, Poland, etc., are to
bear any portion of the costs of the war.
Could you get this point settled ?-Yours very truly, Cunliffe."
(The subject was postponed for further consideration.)
7. MR. LLOYD GEORGE said he had had a letter from Sir George
Riddell drawing attention to the risk that when the
German Journal-  German delegates made communications to the Allies,
ists and Coin.
munications to  German journalists would telegraph them to Germany
the AlliesteerpGrmn
where efforts would be made to influence public
opinion throughout the world in favour of the German point of view.
M. CLEMENCEAU said he did not much care if they did.
(It was agreed to take no action.)
8. SIR MAURICE HANKEY produced the formula which he had
drafted in an attempt to give effect to a decision which, broadly speak-
Austrian and  ing, he thought had been arrived at on the previous
Hungarian     day.
Recognition of  There was a short discussion in the course of which
New States     M. Orlando said he would like to consider the draft
carefully before taking a decision.
Sir Maurice Hankey's draft is attached in Appendix 3. The altera-
tions suggested in the course of the discussion are underlined.
'Japanese representative on the Interallied Military and Naval Committee.
i British representative on the Subcommittee on Financial Capacity of Enemy
States of the Commission on the Reparation of Damage.
"1The underlined portions of appendix III are printed in italics.