The Government of the State of Austria must attach a qualified
representative to each Inter-Allied Commission of Control with the
duty of receiving from the latter any communications which it may
have to address to the Government of the State of Austria and to
furnish it with, or to procure, all information or documents demanded.
The upkeep and cost of the Commissions of Control and the ex-
penses involved by their work shall be borne by the State of Austria.
It will be the special duty of the Military Inter-Allied Commission
of Control to receive from the Government of the State of Austria the
notifications relating to the location of the stocks and depots of muni-
tions, the armament of the fortified works, fortresses and forts, and the
location of the works or factories for the production of arms, muni-
tions and war materiel and their operations.
It will take delivery of the arms, munitions, war materiel and plant
intended for war construction, will select the points where such de-
livery is to be effected and will supervise the works of destruction, and
rendering things useless, or of transformation of materiel, which are
to be carried out in accordance with the present Treaty.
It will be the special duty of the Naval Inter-Allied Commission of
Control to proceed to the building yards and to supervise the breaking-
up of the ships which are under construction there, to take delivery of
arms, munitions and naval war materiel, and to supervise the destruc-
tion and breaking-up provided for.
The Government of the State of Austria must furnish to the Naval
Inter-Allied Commission of Control all such information and docu-
ments as the Commission may deem necessary to ensure the complete
execution of the naval clauses, in particular the designs of the war-
ships, the composition of their armaments, the details and models of
the guns, munitions, torpedoes, mines, explosives, wireless telegraphic
apparatus, and in general everything relating to naval war materiel,
as well as all legislative or administrative documents or regulations.
It will be the special duty of the Aeronautical Inter-Allied Commis-
sion of Control to make an inventory of the Aeronautical material
which is actually in the possession of the Government of the State of
Austria, to inspect aeroplane, balloon and motor manufactories, and
factories producing arms, munitions and explosives capable of being
used by aircraft, to visit all aerodromes, sheds, landing grounds, parks
and depots which are now in Austrian territory and to authorise where
necessary a removal of material and to take delivery of such material.