Notes of a Meeting Held at President Wilson's House, Place des
Etats-Unis, Paris, on Saturday, May 17, 1919, at 4.15 p. m.
President Wilson.         Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George, M. P.
FRANCE                         ITALY
M. Clemenceau.                   M. Orlando.
Sir Maurice Hankey, K. C. B.  Secretary.
Count Aldrovandi          Secretary.
Professor P. J. Mantoux   Interpreter.
1. M. CLEMENOEAu said that he and his colleagues had been consid-
ering the action of the Italian Government in landing forces at Scala
The Italian   Nova and other places on the Coast of Asia Minor,
Landings on the  without consulting them. They had prepared a docu-
Coast of
Asia Minor    ment which was now being reproduced, and which he
would hand to M. Orlando. He then made a statement identical with
the document. (Appendix 1.)
M. ORLANDo said that on the day when his colleagues had announced
to him the decision to disembark forces at Smyrna, Mr. Lloyd George
had asked for details of the Italian landings elsewhere, and he had
replied he knew very little about them, which was the absolute truth.
He had then said he would consult Baron Sonnino. On the same after-
noon, he had visited Mr. Lloyd George at his flat, and Baron Sonnino
had explained that these landings were carried out for dealing with
disorders that had arisen. Nothing more had been said on the matter,
which he had presumed to be disposed of. He would receive the com-
munication which his colleagues had to make to him, and would
discuss it with Baron Sonnino.
MR. LLoYD GEORGE said that on the previous occasion when this
subject had been raised, all that had been heard of was a landing to
repair a pier at Scala Nova, after which, the Italian forces had been
re-embarked. This fresh news, however, was of a far more formidable
nature, since 500 troops were reported to have been landed, the Italian
flag had been hoisted, the Customs House occupied, and some of the
troops pushed some distance inland. The occupation of Marmarice
had only been reported by the Italian fleet, but these last reports were


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