After the proper head and back margins have been decided on, and the pages arranged
to conform to them, the form should be tested to ascertain if the foot and front margins
are correct. The method is illustrated in the accom-
panying diagram of a section of a i6-page form. Fold
a sheet to quarter of the size of the untrimmed paper
to be used. The distance from the foot of page 16 to
the foot of page io must agree with the length of the
quarter sheet (as indicated by the dotted line), and
the distance from the back edge of page 7 to the back
edge of page ii must correspond with the width of
the quarter sheet. This test can be made just as well
by using a measuring rule or tape, in which case, if
the quarter sheet were twelve inches wide by eighteen
Mare , pinches                               long, the  distance  from  the  front edge  of page
12 to the front edge of page 8 must be exactly twelve
inches, and the distance from the foot of page 7 to
the foot of page i must be exactly eighteen inches.
reaN                                          As applied to book forms, the space between the
type and the outer edge of the chase at the gripper
side is the gripper margin. A gauge showing the gripper margin of each press should
be obtained from the pressman. When the paper is placed in its correct position on the
type form, the distance between the edge of the paper and the edge of chase should be
at least half an inch less than the gripper margin, to permit the pressman to move his
form into a suitable place. To make a proper allowance for gripper margin, it is often
necessary to place more furniture in the foot margins on the side of the long cross-bar
next the gripper than on the other side. The lowest folio of a form should be placed
next the gripper edge.
M.               The correct rule is that lengthwise tables and cuts shall always read from the foot of
Iof thc      page. When a lengthwise cut or table is on one page and the explanatory or descriptive
lehad       matter on the opposite page, then the cut or table should, if possible, be placed on the
tof lt,     page with the even folio.
ak t            As a general rule, except where for convenience in folding, certain forms are imposed
li is    from the center, the lowest (first) folio of a form is placed on the lower left-hand corner.
bolt!        All odd folios are always at the left-hand of the make-up, as viewed from the foot.
Ithre           The odd and even folios of pages which are side by side in a correctly imposed
Iinthc       regular form will, when added together, form a total of one more than the number of
pages in a signature. The first and last pages of a signature are always placed side
paid by side-as, for instance, in a 16-page form, where folios i and 16 equal seventeen.
titplete                                  PRESS POINTS.
er set          These are used in forms that are imposed for books, the sections of which are folded
dead -    by machines. In 16-page forms these points are usually placed exactly 15 inches apart-
eth       7   inches each way from the center of the first fold. The sheets are fed into the folding
machine by the point holes to insure register, and the points should be placed exactly in
accordance with the instructions of the bookbinder.