Columbian . . . . . . . .  364
Columbus Initials. . . . . 309
Columbus No. 2 . 308, 309, 433
Columbus Outline 310, 311, 433
Columtlbus Outline Initials, 311
Column Rules   . . . . . . 32
Combination Border,
Series 98 . . . . . . 640, 641
Combination Cond. Gothic 242
Combination Gothic . 242, 244
Combination Italic Gothic 285
Combination Ornaments,
Series K  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  642
Commercial Logotypes . . 576
Commercial Signs   - - 46, 569
Composite No 5o. . . . . 549
Concave No. 120 . . . .    225
Concave Cond. No. 120 . . 226
Concave Extd. No. 120 . . 226
Condensed Aldinre No. t5o 193
Condensed German Black
No. m5o........ .    -... 545
Condensed No-45 .         81
( ,,densed No. 124    .    181
(ondensed Title No. 46 . 190
C, ndensed Title No. 104 . 191
tondensed Title No. 123 . 192
Condensed Title No. 124 . 189
Cond. Title No. 125 . . 190, 191
Contour No. t . . . . . . 328
Contour No. 2 . . . . . . 332
Contour No. 3   . . . . .  .332
Contour No. 4 . . . . . .  330
Contour No. 5   . . . . . .  333
Contour No. 6 . . . . . . 329
Contour No. 7   . . . . . .331
Contour Bands and Borders
. . . . . . . . . . 6o8, 6o
Contour Palmuetto Orn'm'ts 591
Contour Pointers . . . . . 590
Copper-Alloy Fine-Dot
Leaders   . . . . . . 50, 505
Copper-Alloy Imitprints 244, 566
Copper-Alloy Take Slugs . 37
Copperplate Roman    . - - 389
Coppers   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  65o
Corner Quads    . . . . . . 37
Crayon . . . . . . . . . .  516
Cursive Script . . . . . .  479
Cushing   . . . . . . .  142, 494
Cushing Italic  . . . . 143, 495
Cushing Monotone       144, 145
Cushing Old Style .    172, 173
Cutting Rules   . . . . . . 27
Daisy Border .   . . . . 633
Darling Border . . . . . . 633
Dashes  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  34, 50
Dash Rules, Brass . . . .   33
Date Lines . . . . . . . .  578
Delmionico Chefs and Wait-
ers ....  .......... 651
Devens Script . . . . 472, 473
De Vinne . . . . . .294, 295
De Vinue Condensed . 296, 297
De Vinue Condensed Frac-
tions  .  .  . .  .  . .  .  .   568
De Vinue Extended    . 300, 301

De Vinne Extra Cond. 298, 299
De Vinne Fractions . . . 568
De Vinne Italic  . 302, 303, 434
De Vinue Italic Outline, 304, 305
De Vinue Shaded . . . 306, 434
Dewey Ornaments .     . . 595
Diagonal Fraction Marks   45
Domestics  . . . .  . . . .  649
Doric Fractions . . . . . 569
Doric  Italic  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  284
Doric No. 120 . . .  . . . .  223
Douglas   . . . .  . . .  .  360
Druggists  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  650
Duerer . . . . . . ......339
Dysnamo . ....  - - - . . 358
Earle Typewriter .- - 50
Eastman . . . . . . . 344, 345
Eccentric . .  . ......  384
Edinburgh Title. . . . .157
Egyptian Extra Cond. . . 219
Egyptian Extended NO.20 227
Egyptian Extended No.30 227
Egyptian Ornaments . . - 594
Eighteen Point Borders . 623
Elandkay . . . . . . . . .  386
Elberon No. 2 ..    .   356
Election Signs . . . . . .  566
Electrotyped Date Lines . 578
Electrotyped Initials . 587-589
Electrotyped Outline Fig-
ures ...............723
Electrotyped Take Slugs . 37
Elzevir Bands . . . . . . 6o6
Elzevir Borders . . . . . 6o6
Elzevir Florets . . . . . .  598
Elzevir Gothic .  . . 400, 401
Empire Borders  . . . . . 636
Empire Initials . . . . . .  587
Empire Ornaments . . . . 655
End-wood Borders .       795
Engraving Blanks .       563
Epitaph ..  . ......  322
Epitaph Open   . . . . . .322
Erebus  . .  .  .  . .  . . 323, 433
Erratick . . . . . .  318, 435
Erratick Outline . . . 319, 435
Euclid ...  .......... .369
Extra Cond. No. 123 - 194, 195
Extra Condensed No. 234 - 194
Facade . . . . . . . . .372
Facade Condensed . . . . 371
Facade Condensed No. 2 - 370
Fancy Grotesque .  . . . 492
Ferdinand . . . . . . . .  346
Fillet............... ..512
Fine-Dot Leaders  . . 5o, 505
Fists...-..... .... 575
Five-Pointed Stars .  - - 567
Flag Borders . . . . . . . 639
Flame Borders . . . . . . 61S
Floral Border No. I . . . . 631
Floral Border No. 2 . . . . 631
Florentine Borders . . . . 607
Florentine Heavyface  - - 343
Florentine 0. S. No. 2 402, 403
Foster Gothic  . . . . . .  383

Foster Gothic Extended . 382
Foster Gothic Extd. No. 2 382
Fraction Marks . . . . . .  45
FRACTIONS:      44, 45, 568, 569
-Antique   . . . .  . . .569
-Caledonian . . . . .  569
-DeVinue . . . . . ..   568
-DeVinne Cond. . . .    568
-Doric . . . . . .  . . 569
-Gothic . . . . . . . .  569
-Piece . . . . . . . .  44, 45
-Roman . . . . . . . .  569
-Quentell . . . . . . . 568
-Self Spacing Piece . . 44
-Special  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  45
French Antique No. 110 . 222
French Clarendon No. 120  220
French Clar. Extd. No. 120 221
French Elzevir No. I . 140, 141
French Old Style Extd. . 169
French Old Style No. I .. 159
French Old Style No. 2, 135-139
French Old Style No. 2
Italic  .  .  .  .  .  134, 480, 481
French Script .    . 466, 467
Full Face Italic No. 123 .- 188
Full Face No. 123 . .    . 187
Furniture, Metal          36
Geometrical Borders . 637
German Full Face . . .    544
German No. 121 .  - 537-539
German No. 153 . . . .  . 540
German No. 155 . . .       9 - . 541
Germian Title Cond. No. 150 542
German Title No. 122 . . . 543
Germania No.150 . . . .    549
GERMAN:              536a-549
Composite No. 150 - - 549
Condensed German
Black No. 150  . - - 545
-German Full Face . - 544
-Germania No. 150 . . . 549
-German Title Condens-
ed No. t5o . . . . . 542
-German Title No. 122 . 543
-HeittzemanItn . . . .  545
-lhlenburg . . . . . . .548
-No. 121 . ..       537-539
-No. 153 . .         .   . 540
-No. 15.5 . .        .  .....541
-Schwahacher . . . . . . 546
-Schwabacher No. 2 .. 547
-Self Spacing .        536a
-Teutonic No. 5o . . .544
Gothic Condent'd Fractions 569
Gothic Condensed No.37    257
Gothic Condensed No. 112 243
Gothic Condensed No. 122 255
Gothic Condensed No. 123 254
Gothic Condensed No. 124  253
Gothic Condensed No.127   248
Gothic Condensed No. 128  249
Gothic Condensed No. 129  256
Gothic Ex. Cond. No. 122 252
Gothic Ex. Cond. No. 150  251
Gothic Fractions . . . . .  569
Gothic Italic No. 112 . . . 286