Field and Staff.
Colonel - Conrad Krez.
Lt. Colonel - Ten Eyck G. Olmsted.
Major - C. H. Cunningham.
Adjutant - D. Leprelette Moore.
Quartermaster - Joseph Kent.
Surgeon - Robert Mitchell.
Ist Asst. Surgeon - J. B. Cooper.
Company Officers.
Co. A - Ist Lt., Edward Bach; 2d Lt. Wm. Stone.
Co. B - Captain, Julius Schlaich; 1st Lt. R. H. Tripp; 2d Lt. Oscar N. Silver.
Co. C - Captain, Conrad F. Smith; 1st Lt. John Gehring.
Co. D - Captain, Joseph Rankin; 1st Lt. Thomas McMillan; 2d Lt. Nicholas Hansen.
Co. E - Captain, Carl Witte; 1st Lt. Chas. W. Walther; 2d Lt. Irving B. Bliss.
Co. F - Captain, Josiah F. Platt; 1st Lt. Peter Daane; 2d Lt. Clayton Stevens.
Co. G - Captain, James Gunn; 1st Lt. Amanzor Strong.
Co. H - Captain, John A. S. Verdier; 1st Lt. Ole Nelson.
Co. I - Captain, James C. Barnes; Ist Lt. Julius Bodenstab.
Co. K - Captain Peter Mulholland; 1st Lt. Michael Mullen; 2d Lt. Michael A. Maguire.**°

We were pleased, a few days since, to greet Adj. D. L. Moore, our "S.M." correspondent
in the 27th Regiment, in fine health and spirits.**!

The Twenty-Seventh Infantry is passing. This Regiment left the State singing with equal
lustiness, "Die Wacht am Rhein," "I go to Fight mit Siegel," and "John Brown's Body." True to
the traditions of the "Faderland," they were equally expert with the pipe, the musket or the stein.
I have not been unable to follow this regiment into its civic triumphs. In any case I should not
have had the time or skill to spell out the terrible names from Germany. But by this time we can
take any Wisconsin regiment on trust, and whatever in the way of public service the Irishmen of
the Seventeenth failed to secure, the "Dutchmen" of the Twenty-seventh were ready to seize, all
for the glory of Wisconsin, the perpetuation of the flag and the winning of the race.*®

Statistics of the Twenty-seventh Regiment:

Original strength of the regiment.................... 865
Number of recruits received..................0000... 33]


*° Evergreen City Times, Sheboygan, Sept. 23, 1865, p. 1/3.
**! Evergreen City Times, Sheboygan, Oct. 14, 1865, p. 1/3.
*8* Hosea W. Rood, Wisconsin At Vicksburg, p. 358.