enforce the conscription act."
We meant to publish the Roster of the regiment this week, but are obliged to defer it for
want of room.”°

PROMOTED. We inadvertently omitted to mention, last week, that Sergeant Charles F. Folger,
of Co. E, 27th Regiment, (The Sheboygan Guards,) has been promoted to the 2d Lieutenancy of
Co. K, of the same regiment. Lieut. Folger, we learn, makes an excellent officer, and his
promotion was well merited.”’

The 27th. The 27th Regiment left Milwaukee for Cairo, on Monday last. Manitowoc
county is largely represented in this Regiment, having one Company in it, under command of
Capt. JOSEPH RANKIN. The Major, T. G. OLMSTED, is also a resident of this place. Besides,
we have Captains MULHOLLAND and BARNES, Surgeon HUTCHIESON, and a host of other
good fellows. Good luck attend them!”

BURGLARY AT PLYMOUTH. The Post Office at Plymouth was burglariously entered by some
persons with evil intent, about 2 o'clock on Sunday morning last.... They took what change was
in the money drawer, and a silver watch, 1n all about $30 in value. They then passed into the
sleeping room of Mr. Schlaich, the Post Master, who was awakened by their entrance, upon
seeing which they incontinently fled, followed by Mr. S.; but they were too fleet of foot for him
to overhaul them. It is believed, however, that identity can be proven, and that justice is on their

Mr. Schlaich, a few days before, had returned from a visit to the 27th Regiment, just
previous to their departure from Milwaukee, and brought back with him about $1500 in money
entrusted to him by the soldiers of the regiment, to pay to their families and friends. Some $500
or over of this sum was still remaining in his hands, subject to the order of the persons to whom it
belonged, and it is supposed that was what the burglars sought. They failed, however, in finding

Incidently, the first casualty of the Company was [father's friend,] one Rheinhold
Oemichen who died while the Regiment was at Columbus Kentucky [on April 14, 1863].


’° Evergreen City Times, Sheboygan, April 1, 1863, p. 1/2.

” Evergreen City Times, Sheboygan, April 1, 1863, p. 1/2.

"8 The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, April 3, 1863, p. 2/3.

” Evergreen City Times, Sheboygan, April 11, 1863, p. 1/3.
*° Letter, Roland A. Kolb to Mark Knipping, January 8, 1968.