Charley Walthers, too, makes a first rate Orderly. He is up to time and takes pride in performing
his duty. Amongst the most prominent Captains is Capt. Stannard. I think he is the best Captain
in the regiment, and commands the highest esteem from his company. He has been quite sick but
is on the gain and will return to duty soon.

On the whole I think the Colonel eventually will make the regiment deserving of the
reputation of Wisconsin soldiers and one that will not fall short of any now in the field.

The Senator, or rather would-be Senator, Thomas, from the Falls and Milwaukee has been
in camp looking wishfully and very smilingly. Conjecture says that he would like to marry the
soldiers and become the groom of those whom he repudiated in his seat in the Assembly. The
general impression is that his missing will prove that he "can't come in," and he won't visit camp
with such smiles again.

An excellent war sermon was delivered Sunday by a clergyman from the city, to a house
full of soldiers and citizens from the city. Yesterday and to-day the wind is like a hurricane, so
much so that battalion drill 1s dispensed with. All of our boys are well, and the most satisfied, and
are advancing in drill and military duty rapidly. With best respects,

I remain, truly [illegible].”

Capt. Marschner, of the 27th Regiment, returned home on Tuesday last, and will spend several
days in the city and county to recruit a few more men for his company, which is not quite up to
the maximum. The company has been mustered into the United States service, the boys had
received their uniforms, and were to have been paid off of Wednesday. The health of the
company is good, save what results from slight colds, such as must necessarily follow a change
from home to camp life at this season of the year, and all were in good spirits.

Lieut. Chas. Witte, of Capt. Marschner's company - late Sergt. in Co. C 4th Regiment --
called on us on Thursday last, looking well and feeling ditto. He left his former company in
New Orleans, a little over two weeks since, on receiving official notice of his promotion to a
Lieutenancy in the 27th. The Sheboygan members of the 4th were generally in very good health,
aside from an occasional chill with which some of them were yet afflicted, among whom was
Lieut. Wintermeyer.*”

The Draft.

In an other column we publish an order from the office of the Adj't General in which our
county is somewhat interested. |

After a patient examination of the complaints made, Gov. Salomon has ordered a new deal
throughout, and has appointed Capt. ALFRED MARSCHNER, formerly of Sheboygan and now
of the 27th Regt., to fill the position made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Vilas.

In selecting Capt. MARSCHNER for this important position, Gov. S. has exhibited his
usual wisdom and sagacity. Capt. M. is a high toned gentleman, of keen perception and good
judgement, and being a stranger to most of our people, must necessarily exhibit the impartiality


*! Evergreen City Times, Sheboygan, Oct. 25, 1862, p. 2/2.
* Evergreen City Times, Sheboygan, Nov. 1, 1862, p. 3/2.