proprietors have devoted their time to recruiting. A fund has been raised by subscription
sufficient to pay each volunteer a bounty of $50 in addition to the bounties paid by government.

It is doubtful whether the full quota of the city will be filled before the expiration of the
extended time for receiving volunteers, to-morrow (Friday) night, but it will not be for lack of
effort. As we write wagons containing Brass and Marshal bands of music, and recruiting officers,
with the National Flag, and banners with recruiting devices, mottoes and inducements, flying, are
traversing the streets, sending forth soul-stirring strains of music, and attracting crowds wherever
they go. As the time for enlistment draws to a close the interest and excitement increase, and
those who have been hitherto almost persuaded to volunteer, will undoubtedly cast their lot with
those who have already done so."°

MILITARY ITEMS. Recruiting Commissions for the Regiment to be raised in
Sheboygan, Manitowoc and Kewaunee counties have been issued to the following persons:

In Sheboygan County - David Schreiack, John A. Verdier, Cyrus Webster, S. R. Crocker,
Charles Lang, Sheboygan; W. D. Kirkland, John Hanchet, Sheboygan Falls; Aaron Hobart,
Hingham; E. W. Stannard, Greenbush, Greenbush; Michael Winters, Abbott; A. B. Peterson,
Wilson; E. W. Robbins, Scott; Jultus Schlaich, Samuel W. Frisbie, Plymouth; Frederick
Bodenstaub, Frederick Schneller, C. F. Schmidt, Hermann; Jerome F. Brooks, Cascade; and
Phillip Matthes, Rhine.

In Manitowoc County - Ten Eyck Olmstead, Joseph Rankin, Geo. C. Dwyer, Bryan
Lorrigan, Henry Wilhelmy, Manitowoc; Peter Mulholland, Liberty; L. H. Knapp, Horace W.
Hamilton, Julius Linstedt, Two Rivers; Francis Mika, Maple Grove.

In Kewaunee County - R. L. Wing, C. H. Cunningham, Kewaunee.

SCOTT UNION RANGERS. This is the name of the new company of volunteers from
the towns of Scott, Abbott and Holland, raised for the 27th (Sheboygan) Regiment. The
company numbers 95 men, and has elected the following officers: Captain, S. D. Hubbard, of
Scott; 1st Lieut., E. W. Robbins, of Scott; 2d Lieut., Wm. F. Mitchell, of Holland.

It is said to be a strong company, and it is believed the officers will prove to be efficient
and popular."

The First Company. We believe the first company organized for the 27th Regiment was
the company raised in the towns of Greenbush, Plymouth, Lyndon and Lima. They organized on
Monday last by uniting the forces recruited in the several towns, and electing as Captain, E. W.
Stannard, of Greenbush; 1st Lieutenant, Aaron Hobart, of Hingham; 2d Lieutenant, Julius
Schlaich, of Plymouth.

Capt. Stannard is personally popular where known, and we think will not be likely to
become less so with his men from more intimate acquaintance with them in his present position.
Lieut. Hobart has served as Colonel of the Militia in a New England State, and holds the post of


'° Evergreen City Times, Sheboygan, Aug. 23, 1862, p. 3/3.
'' Evergreen City Times, Sheboygan, Aug. 30, 1862, p. 3/2.