So the days passed -- work and rest alternating, but work having greatly the advantage. *”!

Killed and Wounded of the 27th Regiment. -- From a list of the killed and wounded in
Wisconsin regiments participating in the capture of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely, at Mobile, we
find the following casualties in the 27th Regiment, all but four of which are in companies
belonging to this county:

Killed. James Johnson, B; Augustus Ziebart, E.

Wounded. A. Bress, I, thorax and right arm, flesh wound, severe; Frank Trudell, A,
severely in arm and thigh; William Robinson, K, severely in right leg; F. H. Steele, D, slight;
John H.. Rocalsbon, E, slight; John H. Quesstoiff, E, slight in mght hand; John Beinbom, E,
slight, left shoulder.*”

From the 27th Regiment.
Correspondence of the Times
Headar's 27th, Wis. Inf. Vols.
McIntosh Bluff, Ala., May 2d, '65.
Editor Times: We marched from Whistler Station, on the Mobile and Ohio R. R., when you last
heard from me, on the 19th of April...*”

Our thanks are due to Capt. JOSEPH RANKIN, of the 27th Regiment, for a copy of the
Mobile Daily News, of April 13 -- the first number of the first Union paper issued in that city after
its possession by our troops.*”*

Saturday morning, the 6th of May, a boat came up the river with a load of paroled prisoners from
Lee's army. In a little while, the news spread that the rebel fleet above us, was to come down
soon, surrendered, and we were to go with it to Mobile. Next morning [May 7], at a quarter after
eight, the first boat of the rebel fleet, came in sight; and as her side swung round so that the name
"Jeff. Davis" could be read, she was greeted with a cheer from the crowd that gathered on the

By the next morning [May 8], the whole rebel fleet had arrived, with one or two
exceptions.... Here were two of the gun-boats which had thrown "railroad freight-trains" at us,
at Spanish Fort; here was the little, black tow-boat-looking craft, yclept the Diamond, which had


**I A. F. Sperry, History of the 33rd Iowa, p. 163.
*°2 Evergreen City Times, Sheboygan, April 29, 1865, p. 1/6.

3 Evergreen City Times, Sheboygan, May 27, 1865, p. 1/2-3 (no. 6/6 of note).
*** The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, May 5, 1865, p. 1/2.

°° A. F. Sperry, Hist f the 33rd Iowa, p. 164.