Killed and died of wounds........................0.0005. 22

Died of disease. .................00c cece ccc ce ce eeeeeeeeeee ees 239
Died of accidents............0.0....00cccc eee __ 5
[27th Wisconsin] Regimental Statistics.
Original strength................0.... 865
Gain - by recruits in 1863........ 24
in 1864....... 236
in 1865....... 68
substitutes... 3
total 1196
Loss - by death 244
missing 4
deserted 56
transferred 57

discharged 248
mustered out 585 **

Kolb, Ernst

Co. D, 27th Regiment

enlisted Aug. 21, 1862
enlisted at Meeme, Wis.
enrolled by P. Mulholland
resident of Meeme, Wis.
mustered in Oct. 23, 1862
mustered in at Milwaukee
age 22

grey eyes

brown hair

light complexion

height 5 ft. 9 inches
occupation - Farmer

remarks: M 7/63. Absent with leave since 7/20/63. M 8 to 12/63. Absent sick at Manitowoc

Wis. since 8/22/63. M 1/64. same. M 9/64 Absent sick in Gen. Hosp. Little Rock Ark.
since 9/25/64. MO. 8/29/65 with Co.**”


85 Hosea W. Rood, Wisconsin At Vicksburg, p. 166.
“4 E. B. Quiner, Military History of Wisconsin, p. 766.

*8° State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Manuscript Series 37/1/29, Box 34 (MSS
muster rolls, blue series. )