ENLISTED. We understand that Messrs. JOHN ROBINSON, WM. ROBINSON, and
GEO. ROBINSON, three brothers of the town of Kossuth, enlisted in the 27th Regiment this
week. They are three of the best citizens of the county, and were forced to enlist to prevent
conscription. It is in this way we are losing our best producers for the sake of the nigger. When
will this thing stop. Certainly not as long as LINCOLN is President. Oh! God! Give us

On the 3d of October, 1864, the 27th [Regiment] descended the Arkansas river to Pine
Bluff to reinforce General Clayton, who was threatened by a greatly superior force under General

On the 3d or October, they descended the Arkansas River, to Pine Bluff, for the purpose
of reinforcing the command of General Clayton, at that point, who was threatened by a greatly
superior force of the enemy, under General Magruder. Remaining until the 22d, they returned to
Little Rock.*”°

On the 3d of October, 1864, the Twenty-seventh Wisconsin embarked at Little Rock,
Ark., and descending the Arkansas River, landed at Pine Bluff, Ark., under orders to reinforce
General Clayton, whose command was at that time threatened by a greatly superior force of the
enemy, under General Magruder. Here the regiment was retained until the 22d of October, when
they left Pine Bluff, and arrived in camp at Little Rock on the 24th, having marched a distance of
fifty miles.*°’

RECRUITS. Within three weeks, Capt. JOSEPH RANKIN, of the 27th Regiment, has
obtained over one hundred recruits in this county, which shows well for his popularity at home,
and the confidence the people have in him as an officer.*™

Our Ticket....

Charles Meyer, of Sheboygan, received the nomination for the Register of deeds, a
position which he has filled heretofore to the entire satisfaction of the people of the county.
Mr. Meyer enlisted in the 27th Regiment while it was being raised and was subsequently
commissioned as its Adjutant. He discharged the duties of that office until by sickness, which


*°* The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Sept. 30, 1864, p. 1/6.

°° Hosea W. Rood, Wisconsin At Vicksburg, p. 165.

**° E. B. Quiner, Military History of Wisconsin, p. 764.

**’ Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Wisconsin, With Reports From
the Quartermaster General and Surgeon General, 1865, (Madison, 1866), p. 300.

*°8 The Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Oct. 7, 1864, p. 1/4.