Election day passed away very quietly with us. I intended sending you the result some
time ago, but I presume you have got our returns ere this. Sheboygan County is sound in our
regiment; all vote one way. I understand the copperheads have got quite a majority on the home
vote. If 1 am not mistaken the soldiers’ vote will help some of them to a back seat. I will wait
patiently for the result. News is dull here now. I will therefore bring my letter to a close, having
nothing more to write about.

Yours as ever, S. M.°”

Little Rock Arkansas
Dec 19th [18]64
Mrs. Stannard

I recd your letter Nov 16th but have delayed answering because I had Allies to answer
first and thought there was no use answering both at a time. I have not much news to write as we
have been here all the time and it is the same thing over every day.

Gen. Steele has been relieved from the command of the 7th A[rmy] C[orps] and left here
the 17th Maj Reynolds takes his place but has not arrived yet. Brig Gen Salomon takes
command till Gen Reynolds arrives. |

I hope there will be different times here now. I do not believe us having these citizens
passing through the lines as they please. I hear that Andrew Elmore is dead, brave boy. He had
not ought to [have] Enlisted. He had not the health and strength to make a Soldier. The Army is
no place to improve health. The Draft did not seem to bring out enough men to fill quotas. This
Regt recd about 150 recruits. Four new commissions came yesterday Co B will not get men
enough to have another officer and I am glad of it for Col Krez does not do the fair thing by the
companies. He told them men that enlisted for Co K that they must vote for the Commisary Sret
for 2nd Lieut or he would not let them go into that Company. There was not one of them that
liked him but they had to vote for him or do worse. He is just the same about everything. But
never mind it is only eight months more for me. You speak of my having a chance to go home.
That is "played out". If I have my health I shall not try to go home till my time is out. I am
perfectly contented here as long as I am well. I am sorry to hear that my friend Miss F. has been
sick again I do not blame him for not writing as that was her privilege. She only done as I would
if I saw fit with any one. Christmas will soon be here but I guess it will not be much different
from other days with us here. Uncle Sams rations will be the same as on other days. But never
mind I may be home next year at this time. I have not heard from my Brother Henry in a long
time and do not expect to before he gets to the Sea Coast. I suppose he is there before this time
but we have not heard any thing about it here yet. The latest papers we have had was the 9th.
The folks at home are well and getting along finely. But I can think of nothing more so will stop.
Schlaick is Commissary of the Co.

Musters Tripp Commander Dan Carver
Co B 27th Wis Little Rock Ar”


*°3 Evergreen City Times, Sheboygan, Dec. 31, 1864, p. 2/1-2.

*** Stannard Family Papers, Manuscript Collection, Old Wade House State Historic Site.